Daddy's little girl

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A picture of young Andria and Lucifer 🥰😋

(Side note: I don't own the art or the story line of it )

Andria and Alastor's wedding was only a few months away and the excitement around the hotel was buzzing, almost everyone seemed to be happy for the couple and excited that they were taking a huge step in their relationship with each other

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Andria and Alastor's wedding was only a few months away and the excitement around the hotel was buzzing, almost everyone seemed to be happy for the couple and excited that they were taking a huge step in their relationship with each other. Charlie was excited to see her little sister getting married to a man she loved, Vaggie, was also happy for the two. Heck ! Even Husk was happy for them, but there was one person who didn't want to accept the marriage. That person ? Lucifer.

Lucifer sat at the bar, scowling at his soon to be son-in-law, as he laughed with the rest of the men at the bachelor party, who sat with him in the parlor of the hotel. Lucifer just wanted this stupid party to end already, he didn't want his little girl to get married to this pompous strawberry pimp. In Lucifer's eyes Alastor didn't deserve someone as kind and loving as his precious Andria. Sure he may have been overprotective over her, over Charlie too, but he felt as though he needed to be. His thought's were cut off by his daughter's voice talking to him.

"Hey, Dad." Andria greeted happily as she approached the bar, making his dull mood lighten up.

"Hey, Applecandy. What are you doing down here ? Shouldn't you be at your bachelorette party with the other girls ?"

"Yeah, but Rosie noticed we were low on some drinks so I thought I'd grab some down here." She explained to him. This was what he'd wanted ever since he moved into the hotel, just quality time with his youngest daughter, he'd gotten plenty of that with Charlie, he wanted time with Andria too. Time with her before she was too caught up in her own life to spend time with her father. "Hey, Dad, can I ask you something ?" Andria asked him, snapping Lucifer out of his thoughts.

"Y-yeah ! Sure, what do you need, apple candy ?" Lucifer asked, seemingly taken back by her question.

"I know it may seem silly that I'm asking this of you, but since mom isn't here, I was hoping that tomorrow maybe you'd come with me to pick out flowers and stuff like that ? I know it sounds silly but—,"

"Apple candy, it's not silly. I'd love to go with you. What time ?"

"Oh- okay, how about 10:30 am ?"

"Sounds great, apple candy." Lucifer said softly.

"It'll be nice to spend some time together, you know. Just the two of us."

"Yeah. It will be." Lucifer said, his never leaving his darling daughter.

"I see you tomorrow, dad." She said, giving him a quick side hug before walking upstairs. This is exactly what Lucifer needed, to spend some quality time with his daughter and make her that Alastor was nothing more than a scheming douchebag that could be trusted.

🍎 le time skip ⏭✨🐍

Lucifer woke up early the next morning, ready to go out with his daughter. He waited in the lobby for her to come down. He heard footsteps approaching and excitedly tore his eyes away from the newspaper, thinking it was Andria, but his excitement faded when he saw it was Alastor with his annoying signature smile, "Oh, it's you." Lucifer muttered while he rolled his eyes.

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