Vaggie's truth

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The four sat in the angelic court as Adam waltzed in again, making Andria sigh in annoyance, "Oh no, not him again

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The four sat in the angelic court as Adam waltzed in again, making Andria sigh in annoyance, "Oh no, not him again."

"What up baby ! Saw you two went to my manager. Low blow Karens !" Adam said sleazily.

"We are gathered here today to determine whether or not a soul in hell can be redeemed into the heavenly realm by means of this Hazbin Hotel." Sera stated "Princess Morningstar ?"  Sera gestured for Charlie to state her case.

"Thank you Seraphim. Webster's Dictionary defines redemption as-,"

"Objection, lame and unoriginal." Adam interrupted.

"Sustained. No further dictionary references please." Sera said.

"Right, okay. Uh, uh...uhhhh. Mmmm." Charlie mumbled as she flipped through her key cards.

"If you have actual evidence then show it already." Adam said nonchalantly.

"For your information, Adam. We have a patron right now who it making incredible progress." Andria stepped in.

"Who ?"

"Angel Dust."

"Oh, yeah. The porn demon. He's totally worth being redeemed." Adam said as he blew a raspberry.

"Well, if you know so much. What do you think it takes to get into heaven ?" Charlie asked him angrily.

"Ummm, w-w-well...uhhh."

"Is everything okay, Adam ?" Sera asked him

"Give me a fucking minute, okay ?" Adam said pulling out a quill and parchment and writing some random shit down. When he was down the parchment conjured itself in front of Alastor.

"Act selfless, don't steal, stick it to the man." Alastor read out in an annoyed tone.

"Are you fucking serious ?" Vaggie asked rhetorically.

"Uh, yeah, sure got me here, didn't it ? Right Sera ?"

"He was the first human soul in heaven."

"Well, I bet Angel is doing all of those things right now !" Charlie said proudly

"Then let's fucking see it, bruh !"Adam said as he snapped his fingers creating some sort of vision orb thing.

"Your honors, May I present exhibit A." Charlie said as the view of the club where Angel was appeared in the orb. Playing like a movie in front of us. Angel and the others were at some sort of sex club. Angel, Husk and Cherri were at the bar.

"Woo ! Isn't this place the fucking best ?" Cheered Cherri.

"I'll admit, 'Consent' is a good name for a sex club." Husk piped up Pentious then noticed Niffty sweep the club floor.

"Niffty, dear, what are you doing ?"

"I'm sweeping ! Urgh, look how icky it is in here !"

"That's because we're at a club dear."

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