Courageous last stand.

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( Andria's battle outfit p

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( Andria's battle outfit p.s the wings are real and are hers )

s the wings are real and are hers )

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(Andria's weapon)

Down in hell, the cannibals and the hotel staff were prepared to fight, when they saw the portal open they all braced themselves, "Here they come. Get ready, everyone. We fight together !" Mean while the Vees were in their living with the T.V on the sinners preparing to fight, Vox excitedly sat down next to Velvette.

"Oh, oh. Oh. This is going to good." He said excitedly.

"NOW ! FOR YOUR SOULS !" Andria cried as the group cheered a loud battle cry. The exorcists then came through the portal, immediately started to attack the sinners.

"Let's fuck them up !" Charlie screamed as they all rushed off to defend the hotel, as well as the rest of hell. Meanwhile, Alastor watched the chaos unfold from the hotel's rooftop, he smiled menacingly .

"Let the slaughter begin." He said as he created a force field with his dark magic, an inky black, dome like structure, preventing any other angels from entering past the dome. Angels splattered against the new protection, taking them down, one by one.

"The fuck ??" Adam cursed.

"They appear to have some kind of shield, sir !" Lute unnecessarily reported to Adam

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