Niffty's nightmare

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A/n: again might be a short chapter because I'm not using the episode as a guide

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A/n: again might be a short chapter because I'm not using the episode as a guide.😭🥲

I was about to head up to my room when Charlie stopped me, "Hey, sis, can I talk to you for a minute ?"

"Sure sis what's up ?" I replied.

"Well I've been wanting to talk to you about something."

"Yeah ?"

"So you know how I'm supposed to be queen of hell one day ?"

"Of course I know, why wouldn't I ?"

"Well I don't think I want to be queen."

"Wait what !? But isn't that what you've always wanted ?"

"Well I thought it was but I've been thinking about a lot and I just don't think that's what I want to do with my life." Charlie explained as we sat down on the couch.

"Okay but who will take over the throne."

"Well... I want you to have it."

"What ?"

"You've always been better at this royalty thing than I have. You'd make a great queen ! Besides this is my dream Andria." Charlie said gesturing to the hotel.

"I don't know Charlie. It's a big responsibility. I don't know if I can. It just feels wrong taking something that should be yours."

"But you're not taking it. I'm giving it to you. Please just think about it ?" Chat pleaded.

I sighed, "I'll think about it."

"Thanks sis ! Good night !" Charlie waved to me as she went to bed.

"Yeah... night." I then made my way to my room where I saw Alastor reading in my bed.

"Ah ! There you are darling, what kept you ?" Alastor said as I climbed into bed next to him.

"Oh Charlie just wanted to speak to me ."

"About what ?"

"Well she said she doesn't want to be queen and that I should take the throne ." I told him.

"Well I understand why she'd make you her first option." Alastor said nonchalantly.

"What do you mean ?"

"Well, I can't think of anyone more capable than you to be queen of hell."

"That's the thing , sweetie, I don't know if I am capable of such responsibility."

"Well, I know are. I can see it, Charlie sees it and I know that many others see it so why can't you ?"

"I guess I just never thought of myself becoming queen."

"Darling, I never envisioned myself being in a relationship with anyone but here we are." Alastor comforted me as he placed his arm around my shoulder.

"Thanks ,Al, I guess I am capable of being queen... I hope."

"Have no fear darling ! I'll be here every step of the way."

"I sure hope so after all every queen needs her king." I said laying down to sleep.

"Then your king I will be. Good night my love."

✨le time skip brought to u by Alastor being a little teenage girl 😌✨

It was 1:00 am and one of those rare nights where Alastor was actually able to sleep though I wish the same could have been said for me. I had been struggling to fall asleep properly the whole night. I have no idea why I'm so restless perhaps it's the fear of failing as a queen. I sighed frustratedly as I turned onto my side facing the edge of the bed. I closed my eyes for a few minutes hoping it would help me sleep but that hope quickly faded as I felt someone watching me I opened my tired eyes and saw Niffty staring at me sort of waiting for me to see her, " Ah ! Niffty why are you in my room ?"

Niffty simply blinked, "I had a nightmare."

"And ?"

"Well usually when I have a nightmare I can stay with Alastor."

I sighed and easily picked up the little cyclops and made her lay next to me in bed like she was my child. "Would you feel better if you stayed here with us ?" Niffty nodded slightly and closed her one eye. I yawned and did the same, unaware that Alastor peeked one eye open to see Niffty and I snuggled up together like mother and child which brought a genuine smile to his face. He did hope that one day that it would yours and his child instead of Niffty but that was all in due time.

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