I'll be your armor

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Angel had taken us to some sort of bondage place, much to Vaggie's dislike

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Angel had taken us to some sort of bondage place, much to Vaggie's dislike.

"Angel ! What the actual fuck ?" Vaggie scolded him seeing the environment we were in.

"No activity requires more trust than BDSM , baby. No bond stronger than those formed through bondage. That's their motto."

Charlie being her normal, overly polite self tried to ask him why he would take us to such a place, "Angel, love the enthusiasm. But umm, uh...hmmm.."

"What makea you think anyone would be into this ?" Vaggie asked him. Angel looked over to a purring Husk who looked like he was on cloud nine.

"Y'know, I...I don't hate this." Husk commented as one of the demons massaged his back. That was until Niffty stepped out wearing something like a horse riding outfit but more sexualized.

"I'm ready to punish some bad boys." This made Husk uncomfortable and quite frankly me too.

"Never mind, I- I'm out." Husk said getting up after being put off by Niffty. I then noticed one of the male demons who had snakes for hair, literally, touching my shoulders as some of the other demons came up to me and started eyeing me out like I was some sort of sexual snack for them. Thankfully Charlie pulled me away from them.

"Ugh, I can't fucking believe I let you drag us here, Angel." Vaggie groaned out of frustration, "This is disgusting !"

"It's no big deal Vaggie." Charlie commented trying to make her girlfriend feel better, "You know maybe I can just help, uh-,"

"No I told you, you could trust me. And I'm not gonna let you down. I just need to teach them the way I was taught." Vaggie then took us to some sort of 'fight club' although it was more like a settle an extreme argument club.

"This is how you learned to trust people ?!" Charlie asked out of horror at the scene.

"There is nothing stronger than the trust between comrades and arms. Buckle up, butter cups, because today you boys become men !" Vaggie then marched up to Pentious, picking him up, "You -."

"Wait, wait ! I can't fight without my minions !"

"Are going to survive together !" Vaggie threw him into the battle scene, "And you !" Vaggie then picked up Angel and threw him into the scene too, "Are going to make this hotel work !" While Vaggie and Charlie were distracted by Niffty, Husk and I sneakily slinked away and made our way to the battle scene down the stairs.

"Not gonna lie that bitch scares me sometimes." Husk said as we walked down the stairs.

"Yeah me too." I muttered as we finally reached the battle ground where Angel and Pentious were fighting some buff guy with a dismembered arm. The two were shouting random insults at one another, Niffty wanted to join the fight too but I held her back. Husk and I just stared at the fight with amusement, during the fight I heard Angel yell at Pentious.

"I blame you for this you crazy bitch !" Husk and I both burst out laughing, especially when the buff guy started beating the shit out of Pentious.

"Oh well I better go help them out of there." I said as I dragged Sir Pentious out of the fight as well as Angel, who wasn't beat up as badly. I threw Pentious over my shoulder as I carried him up the stairs while Angel walked with me, once I reached the top of the stairs I threw Pentious off my shoulder and he landed harshly on the ground.

"Made it !" Angel panted

"Let's go home guys." Charlie said as she walked past us.

"Are kidding ? We just walked up all those stairs !" I said, "You're dragging him down this time !" I said to Angel who grabbed Pentious' tail and dragged him down the stairs leaving Vaggie alone.

3rd person pov:

Carmilla muttered in Spanish frustratedly as she poured some whiskey into a glass but ended up drinking it out of the bottle instead.

"Carmilla, what troubles thou ?" Zestial asked his oldest friend, "Losing thy composure is unlike thee."

Carmilla sighed heavily, "It's nothing, Zestial. Really."

"The felled angel...''twas by thy hand, was it not ?"

"Let's not talk about it." Carmilla dismissed as one of her daughters spoke up.

"Mom...maybe he should know."

"Nobody should know. I did what I had to do. I am not discussing this."

Alastor pov :

The other egg creatures were playing in the dumpster while I waited for the other little egg creature to return. Soon he came back, "So what did you here ?" I asked it.

"First the old guy was all, 'you're not yourself, you're the one who killed the angel,' and then she was all, 'whatever it takes!"

"And then what was that last thing ?"

"She killed the angel ?"

"Interesting. Let's keep this between us, shall we ?"

"You got it boss !"

Andria pov:

We got back to the hotel and I was surprised to say that Vaggie's exercise actually worked for the others. Sir Pentious and the others were getting along perfectly, who knew that fighting other people could form such strong bonds.

"And then when that buff guy started beating the shit outta you !" Angel laughed .

"Yes the one with the dismembered arm. Yes that was particularly unpleasant." Pentious laughed.

"Well I have to say I've seen people take a worse beating than that. You did pretty good." I commented while I took a swig of my beer.

"I...I did ?"

"Yeah at least you can tap a beating like a champ." Husk said patting Pentious on the shoulder.

"Really ? Oh, well, I suppose I did get into a little of the old rough and tumble today. And thank you for pulling me out of there." Pentious thanked me. We all laughed and Niffty, being her usual fucked up self, started laughing manically. I heard the door closed and saw my boyfriend come into veiw.

"Failed to get rid of the eggs, I see, dear." I said walking up to him.

"Yes, well, the little monsters prove to be rather useful." Alastor commented.

"Why don't you give 'em back to Pentious." Vaggie suggested

"Really ?" Pentious asked with teary eyes.

"Yeah. After today, I guess I can trust you with them. But seriously, no more weapons."

"Ahhh ! My eggs ! Yeah. Oh it's so good to have you back. Now go clean my quarters this instant !"

Alastor walked up to me, "Darling, I'll be in your room." He told me.

"Alright, Al, I'll be up there in a minute." I kissed his cheek as he walked off. Today really was a good day.

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