Radio demon

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The four of us sat in the limousine in silence. Vaggie was fucking pissed at Angel for making the hotel look bad and Angel kept playing with the privacy window while Vaggie glared at him. Angel and I had become good friends since he started staying at the hotel but I was really mad at him for this. Angel noticed Vaggie's angry glare, "What ?" He asked innocently.
"What ?! WHAT ?! What were you doing ?!" She yelled pulling her hair out.
"Look I owed my girl buddy a solid isn't that a 'redeeming quality' ? Helping friends with stuff ?"
"Not with turf wars that result in territorial genocide !"
"Eh you win some you lose a few hundred." Angel replied with a laugh, "It wasn't that bad anyway." Angel dust continued to play with the window until Vaggie threw something sharp at the button stopping Angel, "Oh come on ! I had to my credibility was on the line ! I mean what kind of reputation would I have if people found out I was trying to go clean ?" Angel defended himself, "It just throws out my entire persona."
"Your credibility what about the hotel ? Your little stunt made us look like a fucking joke !"
"No, no, no babe . Jokes are funny I made you look, er, sad and pathetic. Like an orphan with no arms or legs  with progeria ! Great now I'm bummed thinking about it ! This thing have any liquor ?" Angel said as he started scoping the vehicle for any liquor.
"Can you please just try to take this seriously ?!"
"Fine I'll try just don't get your taco in a twist baby ."
"Was that you trying to be sexist or racist ?!"
"Urgh whatever pisses you off more ! Is there seriously no liquor in here ?!"
Vaggie sat back down next to Charlie , rather passive aggressively, "I'm gonna kill him !"
"Too late for late for that toots. Wait would that make me double dead ? Ha ! Then where exactly do I go to double hell ? Sorry, you're stuck with me bitch get used to it !"
"Angel stop it this is serious ! Charlie is really upset about this and quite frankly so am I !" I suddenly burst out making Angel's face fall , "Gee sorry sugar toots I didn't think that-,"
"That's the problem ! You weren't thinking about us or the hotel at all !"
"She's right though. That was really uncool Angel." Charlie chimed in
"Uncool ?! After that train wreck there is no way anyone is gonna wanna stay at the hotel ! All thanks to you and your selfish bullshit !" Vaggie yelled
"Does that mean I don't have a free room anymore ?" Angel asked pissing Vaggie off even more.
"Hey, come on we don't know if things are over yet. Try to relax Vaggie."

We pulled up at the hotel and entered. Angel made his way to the fridge to get some popsicles while Vaggie frustratedly sat on the couch and Charlie sat down sadly on one of the old boxes, "Hey it's probably a good idea to get some actual food in this place, y'know for all the wayward souls ya got here !" Angel laughed nervously, but Charlie wasn't in the mood for jokes, I put my hand on his shoulder, " Angel, not now." I said softly to him. Angel sadly walked away from Charlie as I looked down at my hellphone. I went outside and stoood on the doorstep, I searched through my contacts until I finally found mom, I didn't talk to her much but I felt it was mandatory right now, I clicked call and the phone rang but went to voicemail, no surprise there, "Hey mom it's your daughter, Andria . I don't know if you know but Charlie had an interview with the news today and well it didn't go well. She's really upset and could use your support right now and some advice too. Look, I know we haven't been on the best of terms lately but Charlie really needs you  so please call her as soon as you get this. Love  you. Bye." I hung up the phone mom hadn't talked to me or Charlie in the passed seven years and it's really starting to piss me off. I went back inside and sighed leaning my forehead against the door . That's when I heard it. A soft knock on the door which confused me, had whoever was at the door not seen our interview or was it really a demon who wanted to change ? I took a gamble and quickly opened the door, there he stood, tall and smiling with teeth like knives, the radio demon, "Hel-," I shut the door in his face. Why would the radio demon be here ? Surely he didn't want to be redeemed, did he ? I opened the door again, "-lo."
I then shut the door again.
"Hey guys !" I yelled out to mainly Charlie and Vaggie.
"What ?" Vaggie replied
" The Radio demon is at the door ." I said imitating his smile on the word 'radio'
"WHAT !" Vaggie and Charlie said simultaneously
"What should I do ?" I asked
"Well, don't let him in !" Vaggie replied
I looked at the door I wanted to know why he was here so I disobeyed Vaggie and opened the door anyway. "May I speak now ?" He said in his radio static like voice, "You may-." "Alastor ! Pleasure to be meeting you, sweetheart ! Quite a pleasure ! Excuse my sudden visit, but I saw your sister's fiasco on a picture-show ! And I just couldn't resist ! What a performance ! Why, I haven't been that entertained since the stock market crash of 1929 ." 'Alastor chuckled and continued walking, "So many orphans." Vaggie then pointed her spear at him while Charlie stood behind her. "Stop right there ! I know your game and I'm not gonna let you hurt anyone here you pompous, cheesy, talk show shit lord ."
Alastor pushed her spear away calmly, "Dear, if I wanted to hurt anyone here, I would've done so already." He said in a creepy voice making everything seemingly glitch , "No, I'm here because I want to help !" Alastor continued, much to Charlie's confusion, and mine too, "Say what now ?" Charlie asked as I walked to stand next to her and Vaggie, "Help ! Hello is this thing on ? Testing, testing ?" Alastor said as he tapped the microphone on his cane , "Well I heard you loud and clear !" The microphone said back, Vaggie, Charlie and I looked at one another unsurely, "Um you want to help ? With ...?"
Alastor appeared behind us , "This ridiculous thing you're trying to do ! This hotel ! I want to help you run it !"
"But why ?" Charlie questioned making Alastor chuckle, "Why does anyone do anything ? Shear, absolute boredom ! I've lacked inspiration for decades ! My work became mundane, lacking focus, anguish  ! I've come to crave a new form of entertainment ! Hahaha !"
"Does getting into a fist fight with a news reporter counting as entertainment ?" I asked suspiciously whilst glancing at Charlie, "Hahaha ! It's the purest kind my dear ! Reality ! True passion ! After all the world is a stage and a stage is a world of entertainment !"
"So let me get this straight :  you came all the way here just to get some form of entertainment ? What do you think we are a fucking joke ?!" Alastor's smile got even wider if that were possible
"Oh feisty ! You have a fire in you my dear. I think you and I are going to get along just fine !" He said wrapping an arm around my shoulder, "Ha ! Doubt it !" I replied coldly
"We'll see." He said nonchalantly
"Soo, does this mean you think it's possible to redeem demons ?" Charlie asked hopefully, " Hahaha of course not ! That's wakey nonsense ! Redemption ? Oh, the nonexistent humanity ! No, no, no I don't think there's anything left that could save such loathsome sinners ! The chance given with the life they lived before the punishment is this ! There's no undoing what is done !"
"Then why do want to help her if you don't believe in her cause ?" I asked
"Consider it an investment, ongoing entertainment for myself ! I want to watch the scum of the word struggle to climb up the hill of better-mans ! Only to repeatedly fall, trip and tumble down to the fiery pit of failure !" Alastor said as he gave me a twirl
"Right." I said slowly taking his hand off my shoulder.
"Yes indeedy !" I see big things coming your way and who better to help you than I ?"
Alastor said as he walked somewhere else with Charlie and I.

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