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Andria and Alastor were excited for their wedding that was soon to come. They were excitedly planning for their wedding, looking at venues for the wedding while Izzy sat on Andria's lap, purring. Charlie leaned against the doorway and then noticed the time, "Andri, don't you have that meeting at 2:00 pm ? 'Cause it's 1:40."

"Oh, shit I do !" Andria said suddenly remembering her meeting.

"What meeting, darling ?" Alastor asked her, looking down at her.

"I have a meeting with the Vees, something about wanting more territory or something."

"Did you say the Vees ?"

"Yeah, why ?"

"D-darling, are you sure going to see them alone is a good idea ?" Alastor asked her, concerned that she was going to see his one of his greatest enemies.

"Al, I'll be fine ." Andria reassured her fiancé, laying a supportive hand on his shoulder.

"Still, I don't feel comfortable sending you there alone after the Valentino situation." Alastor said as he glanced off. "Maybe I could go with you." Alastor didn't want his fiancé to be alone with Vox, who knows what he might do to her without Alastor there.

"I mean if you want to, babe, but I'm sure I can handle it on my own."

"Please, darling, I just want to make sure you're safe."

I got ready and Alastor escorted me to the Vee's tower, he seemed pretty tense the whole way there. Andria knew that Alastor and Vox definitely didn't get along with each other so she was a bit taken back when Alastor volunteered to go with her to the meeting, but the truth was that Alastor not only did he want to make sure that his beloved fiancé but also to make sure Vox didn't try anything with Andria, knowing Vox there was more to this than just territory.

With the Vee's.

"Vox, are you sure this is a good idea ?" Val asked his friend.

"Of course, Val. It's simply a meeting to discuss the matter of gaining more territory. Besides, she's just a spoiled little princess. What could she possibly do to us ?" Vox chuckled still scrolling through his phone.

"But did you forget who her little play thing is ?"

"Alastor ? Please, I'm completely over that old timey prick. If he shows up I'll be fin—." Vox was cut off by his assistant tapping his shoulder.

"Sorry to disturb you, sir, but her majesty is here." His assistant said in a trembling voice.

"See, Alastor probably didn't even come (for vox lol 😂 iykyk👀)." Vox said as he and Val made there way to the waiting room door, "I'm sure everything will be just—." Vox cut himself off when the door opened revealing Alastor and Andria, who were obviously trying to sneak in a quick make-out session, making Vox's face fall, "Fine ." He said finishing statement with gritted teeth.

Timeskip: by Alastor marring his jambalaya.✨✨😌

The five people sat awkwardly in the meeting room. Velvette didn't give a shit about the meeting in the first place, so she just sat on her phone, chewing some bubblegum. Val was to calm down Vox, who looked like he would explode with anger any second. Andria sat awkwardly next to a smirking Alastor, hoping someone would break the uncomfortable silence. A few minutes passed and it looked as though Vox was just going to continue glaring at Alastor, so Andria decided to break the silence herself. "So, Vox, you said you wanted to expand your territories ? I can't see why though, your combined territories have the largest terrain in hell."

This seemed to get Vox out of his angry state temporarily, "Oh, right, of course, princess. Our company gains millions of soul that we own every day, those souls mainly Valentino, so it would be fitting to expand our resources into, say, the lust ring ?"

"The Lust Ring ? I'll have to check with Asmodeus about that."

Vox noticed Alastor stiffen slightly, he had heard rumors a few years back that she was dating Asmodeus. Vox smirked, as he got a wicked idea, "Ah, yes, Asmodeus. He's a great guy, didn't you date him at what point, Princess ?" Vox asked as his smirked grew wider watching Alastor's composer falter slightly at the mention of his fiancé's exes.

"I did, but I don't see how that concerns you, Vox."

"Oh, forgive me, I meant no disrespect but I really do think you and him were the perfect couple, even better than you and Alastor. Why did you and him break up ?" Vox asked, pushing Alastor's buttons further.

"That's not of any interest for you to know and it doesn't matter because I love Alastor and he loves me."

"Oh, yes I completely understand, I'm just thinking that Asmodeus would've made a much better option to rule by your side than...Alastor." Vox said looking directly at Alastor with a large smirk. Only then did Alastor realize what Vox was actually doing. Vox was toying with him, trying to get him to do something he knew he regret in some way or another, he was trying to make Alastor jealous, but that wasn't the worst part. The worst part was that it was working and Vox could see it was working, Vox was pushing all the right buttons that would eventually make Alastor crack, though he was saving the best one for very last.

"Hey, Val, would you show Alastor and Velvette out of the room. I have some...private matters to discuss with the princess." Vox said with particular emphasis on 'private', but the way he said it gave both Andria and Alastor an unpleasant chill down their spines. Whatever Vox was planning, it wasn't good, that much Alastor knew. The three overlords complied, though Alastor only walked with the two until he noticed that both were distracted by their electronics, which allowed him to slip away and walk back to the tainted door. Once he reached the door, he didn't enter, he simply waited outside the door and listened to the conversation intensely, he couldn't see threw the door well but he could definitely make Andria's feminine silhouette as well as Vox's television like head. Although the conversation was muffled due to the door, Alastor could make out somewhat of what Box was saying and from what he heard it sounded as thou Vox was flirting with Andria. Luckily Andria, being the loyal and loving fiancé she was, didn't flirt back, but she certainly found the situation uncomfortable in more than one way.

"Y'know, princess, there are far more better options for a partner, as well as a ruler, than Alastor." Vox as as he sat next to Andria, making her shift her weight slightly.

"Oh, really ? Such as ?" Andria said with an unimpressed expression, she didn't believe that anyone was more fitting for such a role to her.

"Why, me, of course." Vox chuckled, making Andria roll her eyes. He knew Alastor was behind the door, just waiting for an excuse to barge in and attack Vox, which was exactly what Vox was counting on. If everything went as he'd hoped, the princess would lose her trust in him to control himself around other demons and would dump him the and there, but Vox underestimated the couple drastically.

"You think you would be a good ruler ?" The princess asked in an unamused tone.

"I think so and I'd gladly list all the reasons why I'd be both a good partner and ruler, but let me rather show you the first reason." Vox said. Before Andria could even ask what he was talking about, the flat screen T.V had already slammed his lips against hers, preventing her from forming a sentence. She struggled against his grip, praying for a miracle to walk through the door and save her and, luckily for her, that miracle did a lot more than save her, but he also punched the flat screened freak in the face, cracking the screen.

"Alastor !" Andria cried throwing her arms around his neck as his snaked around her waist, holding her tightly. "Alastor, I'm so, so sorry, I promise it's not how it seems. H-he forced himself on me and I—," Alastor cut off her rambling by pressing his lips against hers, his were the lips that truly belongs with hers.

"It's alright, darling. I heard everything. You needn't apologize for anything, my love. Come now, let's get you home." He said as he picked her up, bridal-style and teleported out of the Vee's tower, leaving behind a glitching and furious Vox. This was definitely not the end of their meetings .

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