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 It was the ninth month of Andria's pregnancy and Alastor was almost always on guard

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It was the ninth month of Andria's pregnancy and Alastor was almost always on guard. Her swollen belly had doubled in size and there was barely a moment where Alastor wasn't at her side. She had been resting most of the week, only getting up if necessary, by request of Alastor. Everyone was anxious, as if expecting her to go into labor any second, sometimes it did annoy her, but she couldn't really blame them . To her knowledge none of them, except Lucifer, had really witnessed a birth before and neither had she, so they didn't really know what to expect. Tonight was similar to many other nights she'd had this month, she struggled to get to sleep, tossing and turning, trying to get comfortable which was almost impossible to do in her state. She lay awake staring up at the ceiling. Alastor's eyes were closed, but she knew he was probably awake. Andria turned over again and stayed on her side for a few minutes until she felt a slight cramp in her abdomen. She'd been having short contractions for a few weeks, she usually sat down and waited for it to get pass . So she got up from the bed and made her way over to the bathroom, but she stopped when she heard Alastor , "Darling, is everything alright ?"

She turned to her husband, "Yeah, I'm fine. It's just a slight contraction, love." She brushed off, but Alastor was not fully convinced, sure it was three o'clock in the morning, but he still worried something might happen if he dropped his guard. He stayed up and watched as she tried to hobble toward the bathroom. She only made it two steps further when she felt something wet run down her legs and pool around her goat like hooves. She let out a gasp as she felt the pain in her abdomen worsen by ten. Her water had broken. She began panting heavily as Alastor rushed over to aid her, "Love, are you alright ?"
(No Alastor👹🥲😭)

Andria shook her head, "My water broke." She gasped out between pants. Alastor panicked a little, not knowing what he should do first. He decided the best course of action was to tell Lucifer. Alastor hurriedly guided his heaving wife towards her father's bedroom, her burst the door open and found the king of hell playing with rubber ducks in duckie pajamas. Lucifer looked over to at the door with wide eyes.

Alastor deadpanned at him, still supporting his wife's strained form around his broad shoulders, "I'd like to ask what the hell my father-in-law is doing up at 3:00 in the morning playing with ducks, but right now we have more pressing matters to attend to. Alastor said as he made his way over to Lucifer, who stood up looking at his daughter worriedly.

"What's wrong ?"

"She's going into labor. I didn't want to leave her in our room alone while I call a nurse and Rosie."

Lucifer nodded in understanding, "You go call them and wake the others. I'll stay and watch her."

Alastor's nodded and left the room. Andria did her best to try and control her breathing, but it was extremely difficult, "Dad, I'm scared." She panted, letting out erotic breaths.

"I know, apple candy, I know, but just...try not to think about it. Here ! Let duckie Alastor comfort you." Lucifer said as he placed a duck version of Alastor in her hand.

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