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Credit to : @chuckygirl18 and @allura_887

A few months after the extermination.

A few months had passed since the inhabitants of the Hazbin Hotel had defended themselves against the angels and won and so far things have actually been going quite smoothly. The group had rebuilt the hotel to make it even grander than it was before, all the previous inhabitants, Angel Dust, Husk, Niffty, Charlie, Vaggie, Alastor and Andria. Lucifer even got a room at the hotel, opposite Alastor and Andria's room of course. Speaking of Alastor and Andria, their relationship was going smoothly, no fights, no arguments just complete and utter love throughout. Though it got Alastor thinking, they had only been together for a few months, whereas other thriving couples like Vaggie and Charlie had been together for years, but Alastor felt like he'd found the woman of his dreams, his soulmate, the woman he wanted to spend the rest of his life with. He wanted to ask Andria to be his, his for the rest of their eternity in hell. Not only did he want her to be queen of Hell, but he wanted her to be the queen of his heart as well. The hotel had gotten a bit more attention since the news of Adam being slayed by Niffty, so Charlie was hoping to get more recruits to join the hotel. Cherri still visited often. One night Andria had gotten out of the shower and walked into her and Alastor's bedroom, after washing her hair and , although Alastor didn't know why, seeing her with wet hair was arousing to him, ever since the fight with Adam, almost everything she did made him aroused. He'd never felt the feeling of arousement for anyone before, aside from her, so the feeling made him feel a bit embarrassed and he certainly wasn't going to ask any other male in the hotel about it. He kept glancing at his attractive girlfriend, trying to ignore the feeling in his crouch, though it was extremely difficult. Andria climbed into the bed next to him, almost making the feeling worse. Alastor tried to keep his nose buried in his book so that Andria would see his nervousness or embarrassment. "Babe, are you okay ? You're sweating a bit." Andria asked him after seeing the sweat droplets on his forehead. 'Damn her attentiveness !' Alastor thought.

"I'm fine, darling. Never better ! It's just a bit warm in here, that's all, my love." He said brushing it off.

"If you say so. How's the scar ?" Andria asked.

Ever since Alastor got slashed by Adam's guitar he had a deep slash across his chest. It was red for the first few weeks after the battle, but after some bandages and some angelic blood, curtesy of Vaggie, it was starting to heal, slowly but surely. Alastor didn't want anyone else to see his massive scar on his chest, so if Andria was ever out and Alastor need someone to put the angelic blood on his chest, he'd refuse anyone's help and wait for Andria to get home and gingerly rub the blood into his wound. "It's healing." He replied still keeping his nose buried in his book.

"Alastor, are you sure nothings wrong ?"

"Of course, darling. Why would something be wrong ?"

"Because you're not looking at me." Their was silence for a moment, damn he'd really chose the wrong approach to this situation. Alastor sighed and closed his book, finally turning to face Andria. Seeing the ever so slight hint of hurt in her eyes alone made him shatter

"Darling, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you upset, but I was—," Alastor cut himself off, his pride getting the better of him.

"You were what ?" Alastor looked into her dazzling eyes again. Oh, how much those seemingly innocent eyes of hers drove him crazy. No matter how upset he was feeling, those doe eyes always made him feel better.

"I was...I'm sorry, my doe. The words are lost."

"You know I won't judge you for anything, right ?" She said, turning his face to look at him.

"I know. But I've never felt this feeling before, especially this intense."

"Well, what are you feeling ?"


"By me ?" Alastor nodded shyly, "Can I tell you a secret ?" Alastor nodded as Andria pulled his face closer to hers before whispering in his ear, "You make me aroused too."

Alastor swalled a sexual lump in his throat, "I-I do ?"

"Yes, of course. It's normal to feel this way about someone you love."

"I-I suppose it is." Alastor was knocked out of his dazed and love struck state when Andria, kissed him on the lips, it wasn't a kiss that was looking for other motives, just a kiss full of love.

"Good night, darling~." She purred before turning off the lights and laying down on her bed to go to sleep, the only glow in the room being Alastor's bright love-struck eyes. That night was all the confirmation he needed. He knew for sure that she was the one he would spend his life with and he planned to make that dream a reality as soon as possible.

A/n : a bit short but I think it's sweet ☺️ also should I write a lemon 🍋 for Alastor and Andria 🫣 ?

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