Trust takes time

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Andria pov:

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Andria pov:

It had been a week since Pentious joined the hotel and so far he's been pretty well behaved, Charlie just finished putting up his bandanna on the wall, "That looks perfect ! I am so excited that Sir Pentious is staying at the hotel !"

"Pentious was just trying to take over the city with steampunk bullshit a few days ago !" Vaggie said to Charlie.

"Well I haven't seen him try to pull any of that here." As Charlie said that Pentious rolled some sort canon into the room.

"What the hell is that ?!" Vaggie asked

"Oh hello purple female ! It's my new invention ! The skinslayer 11000 ! I'm really looking forward to shooting the other residents." Pentious replied

"Er, why ?" I asked

"Everyone is too nice ! Obviously it's a lie ! I can sense they are planning to kill me but when ? How ? I must be prepared ! Oh the new parts for my machine are here !" Pentious said as two demonesses wheeled the parts into the hotel.

"Sign please ? Thank you for your business enjoy your Carmine purchase." One of them said as they walked away

"Carmine ?! As in Carmilla Carmine ?! You are buying parts from an overlord ?" Vaggie said to Pentious

"Of course she's the top weapon's dealer in hell !" Pentious replied

"Okay ! Well that stops right now !"

"Hey !"

"You absolutely cannot build weapons in this hotel ! No one is trying to kill you ! People are being nice because they are trying to make you feel welcome."

Pentious peered over his canon as everyone, excluding Niffty, who wasn't apart of the conversation flipped him off, "I have my doubts."

"Well it's true. You have to trust us." Vaggie told him

"But I don't !"

"Well why don't we focus on that for today's activities ?" Charlie suggested.

"Not before we lay some ground rules. No more building weapons. No more plotting against other guests and you need to get rid of these things !" Vaggie said pointing at the egg minions who shot a hole in the ceiling with one of the Carmine weapons. "Urgh ! What did I just say ? What did I just say ?" Vaggie said pointing at the roof.

"What ? Not my little egg boys ! They do my evil bidding for me !"

"Do you want to stay here and redeem yourself ?"

"Yes ?"

"Then no more eggs."

"Alright my eggies. You've got to go. I can't keep you anymore !"

"Okay boss !"

"No don't resist. This is how it must be."

Vaggie walked over to me, "Andria think you can convince Alastor to get rid of these little guys humanely ?"

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