My love

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Vox watched the pathetic display of cannibals and demons training to fight against the angels, he couldn't believe that they fighting for something that was so pathetic and a waste of time

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Vox watched the pathetic display of cannibals and demons training to fight against the angels, he couldn't believe that they fighting for something that was so pathetic and a waste of time. Vox chuckled, humored by their foolishness, "No fucking way ! They're gonna fight ? Oh, my god. Ha ha ha ha ! Oh, looks like your little hotel didn't work out so well. Oh Alastor, I cannot wait to watch you get FUCKED !" Vox chuckled manically. Charlie and Andria looked at the huge crowd of cannibals hoping they were ready for the fight that was to come.

"I wish mom was here to see this." Charlie sighed to her sister.

"Mom, would've been proud of you, sis." Andria said as Vaggie stood next to them.

"The cannibals seem ready to fight. Are we ?"  Vaggie asked and, as if on cue, Pentious burst through the doors wearing a general's uniform.

"Fear not damsels. I shall have the staff ready for victorious combat !"

"What in the hell are you supposed to be ?" Vaggie asked him.

"General Pentious, reporting for duty. I'll turn those rapscallions into soldiers in no time at all."

"Thank you, Pen." Charlie thanked him as Niffty scurried in front of their feet.

"What can I do to help ?" She asked.

"I'm glad you asked, soldier. The base needs fortifications. Reinforce the southern wall. Create a moat around the perimeter to stop a ground assault." Pentious looked down at Niffty who clearly had no idea what he was talking about, this is where Andria stepped in, kneeling to Niffty's height.

"How about this ? If you see an angel, stab it." She said handing Niffty a dagger. Niffty then looked over at Angel who was busy talking to Cherri and started running towards him.

"Stab ! Stab ! Stab !" Niffty said, Angel then noticed her running to him with the knife.

"Hey, hey, hey, hey." He said as he lifted himself onto the pole next to him to avoid getting stabbed but Andria stopped Niffty.

"Not him !" Niffty scowled and scurried away allowing Angel to descend from his temporary haven.

"Listen up, sinners ! We got 24 hours before the extermination begins. Let's get to work." Vaggie instructed the group of demons.

Vox chuckled from the Vee's tower watching the pathetic display on his computers. Laughing his screen off at the sight of these fools, "Oh, they suck !" He laughed, "Oh they suck so bad. Oh, god. They're going to fucking die. They're—they're going to die." Vox wheezed

Charlie tapped Alastor's microphone to make sure it was working, "Hello ? I want to thank everyone for coming. Even people who aren't staying here yet...Cherri."

"Look I can't resist a fight, okay ? Especially when I get to tag team with these fuckheads." Cherri said, referring to Angel and Andria.

"Tomorrow, the exorcist angels will face a hell ready to defend itself and win." Charlie said confidently.

"Yeah ! Yeah, we will ! Tell 'em baby !" Vaggie cheered.

"Yes. And we are—we are going to win ! But in case we don't, I want you all to know...that getting to know you has been the biggest honor of my life. Whatever redemption really means, I know you all tried. I have seen the good in all of you. And it's... I—I'm just..."

"What my sister is trying to say, is that it's been an amazing journey training with you all, for the good of this hotel." Andria helped her sister.

"Thanks, Andri, and we love you much, and—and live tonight however you want because—,"

"We're all going to die ! Hahahaha !" Niffty cackled.

"Woo ! Let's give it up for not dying ! Love not dying ! Drinks ?" Vaggie offered awkwardly. The group then went inside and had a few rounds of drinks. Aside from Alastor and Niffty who watched the group from above, well, Alastor was mainly watching Andria.

"Here's to being alive today and not dying tomorrow." Pentious said as he and the others raised their glasses.

"Ah, the celebratory night before a courageous last stand. It's been a surprising thrill to witness these wayward souls find connection. Almost makes one sentimental, eh Niffty ?"

"They're great Alastor they don't scream so loudly when I watch them while they sleep !" The cyclops giggled

"Yes and my darling Andria has been the most thrilling adventure of all."

"I really like her, Alastor. She lets me put on roach puppet shows without booing."

"Ahh, an enjoyable collective to be around. I admit one could get accustomed." Alastor sighed as Niffty placed a roach crown on his head.

"I dub thee, king roach."

"Oh, to understand your twisted little mind." The two then laughed together like the manics they were, but once their laughter died down Alastor looked back at the group and saw that his beloved was no longer there, he hummed to himself and walked off to find her. Andria stood outside what appears to be Angel's door, she first smiled at it sadly before a few tears strolled down her cheeks. She was scared. Scared that tomorrow she might lose someone she cared about, Angel, Charlie...Alastor. "Darling ?" Alastor said from the end of the hallway.

"Oh, hey sweetie I was just—,"

"Darling, why the tears ?"

"I'm sorry...I'm...I'm just so scared. What if we lose ? I could lose my friends, my"

(Alastor is Vaggie and Andria is Charlie)

✨the next day✨

"Extermination day is here, bitches. We're gonna go down and exterminate demon ass !" Adam said to his exorcist arm enthusiastically.

"Destroy that ass !" Lute encouraged.

"Prepare to slaughter every sinner in that shit hotel, and you all remember, Vaggie ?!" The exorcists booed at Vaggie's name.

"Rip Vaggie's cunt mouth out her ass !" Lute cheered before looking at a shocked Adam.

"Would you just—ju—chill, Lute. Fuck . Anyway, whoever brings me Vaggie's head gets...uh... I dunno, a million heaven buck. How about that, huh ?" Adam said as the exorcists cheered in excitement and enthusiasm. "Haha, yeah ! Ladies, let's fuck shit up ! Attack !" Adam screamed as the exorcists feels into the portal.

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