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I sat in my room stroking my pet cat Isabel as I watched the burning buildings of hell.

I sat in my room stroking my pet cat Isabel as I watched the burning buildings of hell

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(The cat: p.s I know it's the cat from monster high. Change it if u want 💀)
It had been almost a week since Alastor had showed up to help run the hotel but so far we'd only asked him to make a commercial for the hotel. Speak of the demon, I felt a chill run down my spine, I turned around on my bed to see Alastor had teleported into my room, note- to-self : ask him how he does that because I'm still trying to master my teleportation powers,  "Ever heard of knocking ?" I said impatiently, Alastor smiled widened as he tilted his head slightly.
"Oh but I did ,my dear, you weren't answering so I asserted my authority by entering anyway."

I raised my eyebrow, "Authority over what ?"

Alastor hummed in thought, "Hmm that's a good question. Wish I knew the answer."

I rolled my eyes at his theatrics, "What do you want Alastor ?"

Alastor smiled widened, "I came to inform you that I have finished the picture-box advertisement that you requested for and have come to invite you to the parlor to 'watch' it." He said using air quotes around the word watch.

"Oh. Okay I'll go get Charlie then." I said making my way towards the door but as I was about to reach for the handle Alastor put his cane in front of the handle.

"Ah, ah, ah. There'll be no need for that. I've already sent Vagatha to retrieve your dear sister." He explained as I raised my eyebrow

"You mean Vaggie ?"

"Same thing."

I rolled my eyes again, "Whatever. I'll go to the parlor now." Alastor stopped me again.

"Well then allow me to accompany you, my dear." He suggested extending his arm for me to take.

"Wow. That's a bit forward don't you think ?"

"Oh not like that just a simple walk to the same destination as friends. After all we are friends, aren't we ?"

"I don't know. Are we ?" I questioned him skeptically

"Well I'd like to think so. So... shall we, my dear ?" He asked offering me his arm once again. Only this time I took it.

"Fine but only as 'friends'." I said as we walked out the door.


Before long we arrived at the parlor where Angel already was, "Hey angel tits-. Oh didn't know you two were a thing already." Angel said as he spotted my arm entangled in Alastor's, making me remove my arm from his grasp.

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