Our future

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^andria's engagement ring btw^

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^andria's engagement ring btw^

The morning light shined on the two lovers, who were still entangled with one another in their bed after their passionate night. They were both still bare, neither of them had the energy last night to put on their clothes. Andria was still sleeping on an, now awake, Alastor's bare chest as he stroked her silky, tangled hair. Running his fingers through it as though it were a brush as he admired every part of her, after all he found everything about her absolutely perfect. In the back of his mind, he thought that she deserved better than him. She was a princess for crying out loud. There were many other demons that could have given her a life she deserved to have, but it made him feel special and honored that she chose him to be with her out of all people. Andria's eyes fluttered open, looking up at Alastor, "Morning, handsome ~" she said groggily.

"Good morning, my sweet doe, how was your sleep ?" He greeted.

"Best sleep I've ever had thanks to you." She said giving him a wink, making him chuckle.

"Well, then we'll have to do that more often, won't we darling ?" Alastor flirted back, making his love blush. (Vox is crying right now lmao 🤣)

Andria smiled and sat up, pulling the sheets up to cover her breasts, "I suppose we should get up and tell the others the news." Andria said getting up from the bed and gathering her clothes from last night, chucking them in the laundry basket.

"What news ? That we had sex or that we're engaged ?" Alastor joked making Andria roll her eyes playfully.

"You know which news I'm referring too." She said, "I'm going to step into the shower, love."
She said from the bathroom, giving Alastor a devious idea.

"Go ahead, darling, I'll join you later." He called to her, she thought he was joking but halfway through her shower, she felt a pair of hands at her waist, she gasped and turned to see a smirking Alastor behind her. She didn't mind him being there with her though. When they were finished showering, they both got dressed into their usual attires, though Andria's new addition to her outfit is what she admired the most. She and Alastor headed downstairs to the bar where everyone already was.

"Well, look who finally decided to join the party. Thought you two would be asleep till noon." Angel said, already having a drink in his hand.

"Well, someone has to tell you guys the news."
Andria said coolly.

"What news ?" Vaggie asked with a raised eyebrow.

"You guys broke up ?" Lucifer asked hopefully as his eyes lit up.

"No. That we're engaged." Andria said admiring her engagement ring. Angel, Niffty and Charlie squealed in excitement and delight, while Husk just formed a small smile, although he didn't like Alastor, he was happy that Alastor was finally happy, after all it makes his life better if Alastor is happy. Lucifer's face fell in shock, his little girl was engaged to a psychopath. He knew she was happy with Alastor and he was glad that she was happy but he had this clenching feeling in his heart, he didn't want to let his little girl go, at least not into the hands of one the most dangerous overlords in hell. Whilst Charlie, Angel and Niffty were fawning over Andria's ring, Lucifer fainted from the shock of his daughter being engaged. "Oh, fuck ! Dad, are you okay ?" Andria asked as Husk and Angel helped him up.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm fine just happy that my baby's getting married, yay !" Lucifer forced a smile.

"Congrats, Angel tits." Angel said to Andria, "Oh and, uh...don't think I didn't hear you two having a fun time last night." Angel winked at the two of them.

"What do you mea—ohhhhh..." Charlie realized what Angel meant, making her cringe and Andria blush. Lucifer thought about what he meant and then it hit him like a train. Alastor had fucked his daughter, making him seethe with rage.

"Angel !" Andria scolded.

"What ? I'm just so proud of you, Angel tits." Angel said, wiping his 'tears' away, making Andria roll her eyes at his theatrics. "So, how's creepy voice in bed ?" Angel asked


"What ? I can't ask a question ?"

"Not that question."

"Fine." Angel said rolling his eyes.

A/n : it's a bit short but I ran out of words 😭 also should I do a one shot where the Vees meet Andria and Alastor for something.

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