Fatherly worries

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(Alastor when he realized he liked Andria lmafo 🤣😂 also if I made a Lucifer fanfic would you guys read it ? 🫣🤭 and as you noticed I changed the name of this fanfic)

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(Alastor when he realized he liked Andria lmafo 🤣😂 also if I made a Lucifer fanfic would you guys read it ? 🫣🤭 and as you noticed I changed the name of this fanfic)

It was 6 months into Andria's pregnancy and the reality of his child was starting to sink in to Alastor. They would be in a dangerous realm when they were born and, although Alastor wouldn't admit it, it scared the shit out of him. The thought of the possibility of not being able to protect his child scared him, but the thought that scared him the most was if Alastor turned out like his father. Alastor's father was terrible to him and Alastor's worst fear, currently, was becoming like that towards his kids. He feared that because he hardly ever harbored any emotion other than pride and love towards Andria that he would resent his kids if they did not please him with their abilities. Of course Alastor didn't want to do that at all. He held a large amount of emotional detachment from many people other than Andria and he didn't want to have that with his child. What if it was in his nature, his genetics, to be a terrible father ? He didn't want it to be that way, but what if he couldn't help it ? Today Alastor and Andria were going to the hospital to do an ultrasound to find out if they were having a girl or a boy. Deep down, Alastor wanted a girl so he could see a replica of his beloved Andria, but he wouldn't mind a son either, that way, there'd always be two of them to protect Andria. He was helping Andria down the stairs carefully, one hand on the small of her back, the other holding her hand. Her belly had become significantly larger, much larger than what he'd expected, but the large stomach she had was giving her a lot of back problems which, according to Lucifer, was totally normal. (Luci knowing nothing about pregnancy even though he birthed Charlie :🤡🙂)

Angel Dust looked over at the over protective husband, who was helping his wife down the stairs, "You know she can still walk on her own, smiles ?" He pointed out.

"I know, but one misstep could be disastrous for both of them." Alastor replied, gently rubbing Andria's stomach.

Andria chuckled at her husband, "Al, I'm fine. I'm pregnant not disabled." She reminded him.

"I'm aware, but I don't want anything to happen to my beloved and our little fawn." He cooed.

Lucifer looked up from his new rubber duck, "Where are you two off to ?"

"To the doctor. We're going to do the ultrasound today to see if we're having a boy or a girl." Andria explained.

Husk spoke from the bar, "You guys going to do a gender reveal or something like that ?" He questioned taking another swig from his beer.

"No. We're just doing it the old fashioned way (Alastor rubbing off on Andria lmao 🤣). We don't to be kept in suspense with all the surprises we've had from heaven, we just want this to go smoothly and since my stomach is much larger than it's supposed to be, we just want to double check that nothing's wrong."

Lucifer smiled at his daughter and son-in-law, "Okay, well, when you guys get back we'll be all be waiting to find out what my little grandchild is going to be." (Does anyone else think he'd be like Dracula as a grandfather ?) Lucifer cooed as he began gently tickling his daughter's stomach and making baby noises.

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