a deal with the devil;

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|1815, Belgium|

All Taehyung could feel was pain. 

The pain was like fire burning his legs. He winced. It blew up in his head with a terrifying blankness. It was nauseating. He started to quiver. The pain felt like a hot, sharp knife, covered in salt, slicing through his skin and into his muscles and bones, as though his leg had been frozen and a bolt of lightning had struck his body from head to toe.

All the firing from the British cannons had torn his body apart. He was barely alive, barely breathing. He didn't know how many had survived, but it didn't seem to matter anymore.

Taehyung didn't have much time left. He was going to die. No, he was dying a slow & a painful death.

His body throbbed with pain and he knew that the shots were all over his body. He wanted to see the damage that had been done, but he was too afraid to look down. He could feel the blood rapidly leaving his body, his skin started feeling cold. another sign indicating that he was going to leave this cruel world behind. 

A shadow loomed over Taehyung's face, blocking his view of the clouds. His eyes barely able to focus on the figure hovering over his almost dead body. Was it someone from the medec? was he found? will he be treated? will he be able to live? 

All the questions surrounding his bloody skull were broken as the man looming over him leaned closer enabling taehyung to get a better view of him.

The man looming over him didn't look like a soldier from either side, but his green eyes were nonetheless focused on Taehyung with an unnerving intensity.

"Your leader's dead, I believe." The man's voice had a thick french accent to it, so Taehyung wasn't sure what he meant by "your leader." Taehyung said nothing in response.

"Do you want the pain to stop?" The man's voice was low almost inaudible over the groans of the many soldiers laying half dead on the field, but somehow the gravelly voice carried perfectly to him.

Taehyung shook his head, he knew what it meant if the pain stops, and not very surprisingly the suspicious man looming over him seemed to get it was well, the man's green eyes looking almost amused at his response. "And why not?"

"If the pain stops that means I am dead," Taehyung managed to rasp out.

"And you do not wish to die? Even if the pain's so strong that all anybody would wish for is to die rather than bare it."

Taehyung nodded. He didn't want to die. even with all the pain he didn't want to end his life. He wanted to see his family again. His sisters, his parents. He didn't want to die in a foreign country, his fellow soldiers lost.

"What if I tell you that I can stop the pain and you still get to breathe?" Soft fingers traced Taehyung's face.

It sounded too good to be true. Who was this man and why was he offering this to him?

"Let's make a deal, Kim Taehyung"

A deal with the devil, Taehyung thought. This man was no normal human being. He was beyond that. someone more powerful and more dangerous than the whole existence of mankind, and this man was offering a deal to him. The deal for his life. 

It could be dangerous but he was beyond caring. He nodded frantically. "yes. Please. Please." His voice came out gurgled this time, and he could taste the metallic tang of his own blood in his mouth.

The stranger's fingers stilled. "Nothing in this world comes for free, taehyung. I give you life what do you have to offer me in return?"

"What do you want?" Taehyung would give him anything.

"Your companion"


"So here's the deal" the man's lips quirked into a smirk. a dangerous one that was. "I give you a life and in return you promise to stay by my side, forever."

It was a strange request, to come from a man he'd never met before, but easy enough to answer. "I promise."

The man smiled. "Close your eyes."

Taehyung shut his eyes, hoping his leg wasn't about to be amputated here on the hard ground. Was that what he had just agreed to?

A sharp prick of pain but not at his leg.

On his neck. A bite. The man was...drinking?


taehyung's blood.

Taehyung opened his eyes, tilting his head to gaze at the face latched at his neck, and the pair of eyes that met his own were no longer green. They were entirely black, no iris or whites showing at all. 

The man's mouth was smeared red. Smeared with Taehyung's blood, which was dripping off fangs Taehyung was sure hadn't been there a moment ago.

A devil, indeed.

Taehyung wanted to scream, but he was too tired to manage even a gasp. 

The last words he heard before the darkness took over: "Remember your promise."


the next chapters will be longer. this was just kind of a prologue.


👆 i made this acc just in case this acc gets deleted as well😀

thank you for being patient with me and supporting me.

i'll try to update more frequently. 


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