trip down memory lane;

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Jungkook found himself at his kitchen counter once again with Taehyung placing food in front of him. 

"Eat," Taehyung ordered. "It will help in soaking up the alcohol and settle your stomach."

Jungkook didn't need anything to soak up the alcohol because it seemed like witnessing a murder sobered the person better than anything else. His stomach still roiled at the thought of the messy body, Yoongi had shown them. It wasn't the blood that scared Jungkook—he had seen worse at the hospital—it was the corpse's face that had been familiar.

The dead body was of his mugler from that night.

To say he was shocked would be an understatement to his current state. Even when the police came, Jungkook was numbed and didn't say much than a few broken words. It was mostly just Taehyung and Yoongi that handled the situation while he and his brother were in a total shock state. 

Taehyung never mentioned their past relation with the corpse and simply sticked with—"We accidentally found this body and have nothing to do with it."  The police further investigated about their roles in finding the body, to which they answered truthfully except their history with the dead body. 

While, on their way back home it was a silent ride, Jungkook couldn't help but ask if Taehyung had anything to do with the body, to which the vampire simply replied—"I didn't kill him."

And Jungkook had believed him. Just like that.

Did that make him stupid? Putting so much trust in a man—a vampire—he'd just met? Probably. And that should definitely worry him. But for whatever reason, it didn't. Just further proof you're a dummy, dummy.

Jimin had insisted on coming home with them. He clearly suspected something was wrong and there was something more to this case then Jungkook was telling him. Jungkook refused him straight away. He neither had the strength to explain the whole story to his brother and he was sure even if he did, his brother would have something negative to say about it and Jungkook had no interest in listening to his brother's views—atleast not now.

Before Jimin could put on a fight with Jungkook's refusal, Yoongi—Taehyung's stupidly handsome vampire friend—had stepped in.

"I agree. You should come," he'd purred, eyes glinting, lips stretched in that maniacal smile he seemed to have permanently etched on his face. "I might get scared in the night and will need someone to hold on tight."

Jimin had immediately backed down, mumbling about everyone going home and getting some sleep. Jungkook had never seen him so easily intimidated by anyone. He'd seen his brother hold his own with men built like linebackers, yet this supermodel of a vampire seemed to scare the living daylights out of him with no effort at all.

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