a blast from the past;

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Life is so fucking weird.

That was all Jungkook could think of as he sat on his kitchen counter while his stomach grumbled at the delicious smell of pancakes that were being made by his ancient vampire whose more ancient vampire friend gave orders every now and then.

"Turn it!" Yoongi yelled and Jungkook almost flinched. "You are gonna get them burned at this rate." The eldest in the room huffed about to throw his hands at Taehyung. 

"Will you just shut the fuck up for a minute?" Taehyung grumbled, clearly annoyed.

"You know I like mine a little raw." Yoongi demanded. 

"And you know I don't give a flying fuck of how you like it." Taehyung snapped giving him a harsh smile, before turning towards Jungkook with a sweet smile, "how would you like it, Jungkook?"

"Uhm. . . maple syrup on top." Jungkook replied looking to and froth between Taehyung and Yoongi. 

"Coming right away." Taehyung chirmed, "And Yoongi, fools eat their pancakes raw." He continued throwing a smirk towards his now annoyed friend who later grumbled under his breath. 

"Fools rush in where angels fear to tread."

"I don't even know what that means," Taehyung muttered.

"Not a surprise. Good thing you met Jungkook here when you did. He'll teach you some basic morals about human race." Yoongi threw a wink at Jungkook, a flirty grin on his face.

Jungkook liked the odd, petite vampire. He may have come off as a little...unhinged...at the bar, but he seemed to genuinely care for Taehyung and was staying in town to help keep Jungkook safe. And his caring for Taehyung didn't seem to be in any way romantic, a fact that Jungkook was beyond grateful for. He didn't want to even think about competing for Taehyung's affections with a fierce, demonic supermodel.

He didn't want to think about competing for Taehyung's affections at all.

He still wasn't sure what Taehyung saw in him, besides Jungkook appealing to his possessive demon. Jungkook was just...Jungkook. And Taehyung was...so many things. He had lived so many lives. Jungkook had barely been living his own.

Until now.

He had woken up wrapped in Taehyung's arms as promised, and the morning had only gotten better from there. Jungkook fought a blush as he remembered Taehyung working them both to orgasm with his large, capable hands only hours before.

And now Taehyung was cooking for him again.

"Tell me why you know how to cook again?" Jungkook asked. "when you've had two hundred years of not needing to eat human food under your belt, why cook it?"

The Demon; taekookWhere stories live. Discover now