a heart that was made to be broken;

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"Your control is improving, Taehyung. Not the very best, but I think you'll get there soon." Seokjin licked the blood off his own lips and then looked at his trainee, pleased. 

Their human guests had just left Seokjin and Taehyung's shared apartment in complete compulsion and confusion, a trick the older vampire had been teaching Taehyung over the past few weeks.

Currently, they were in plush armchairs by the fire in Seokjin's bedroom, across Taehyung's own.

Taehyung had been living with Seokjin for weeks since Taehyung's family had driven him away, their faces full of fear and confusion and hatred.

Though, Seokjin had told Taehyung not to return to his home, he hadn't been able to listen. Had been convinced his family would be able to see he was still the man from before. Convinced he could play the part of human.

But he was wrong.

Luckily, the other vampire hadn't chastised Taehyung when he'd returned, crushed and defeated from his family. Instead, he had sat by Taehyung's side while he sobbed out his despair. He was the only one who stood by his side while Taehyung broke furniture in his rage, when Taehyung was spent and exhausted. 

Seokjin was the one who had taken him by the hand and told him it was time to learn the ways of his new existence.

"Who taught you all this?" he asked Seokjin now, his hunger sated and that voice that called for blood pleasantly quiet.

"I know many things, Taehyung. What exactly are you talking about?" 

"Compulsions and control?" He knew Seokjin had been turned a decade before he had found Taehyung, but the other vampire never spoke of any other of their kind.

"The one who turned me taught me," Seokjin replied, the pleased look falling off his face.

"And, where is he now?"

"He left," he answered shortly.


 Seokjin shrugged in that careless way he had, but something pained passed over his face.

"I don't think he was ever looking for a long-term companion. He was...strange. Monstrous." Seokjin sighed, leaning his head against the back of his chair. A small smirk. "More monstrous even than us, he barely seemed human sometimes. I think he turned me for fun. He saw me there dying, thought it would be fun. He stuck around long enough to teach me the basics, but that was it."

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