eye for an eye;

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Jungkook couldn't help but fear that their goodbyes over the phone was the last.

Taehyung's absence was an ever-present ache in his chest, which was ridiculous because the vampire had barely been gone a day. But nonetheless, there it was. Pain.

From across the kitchen counter, Yoongi rolled his pale eyes at him.

"What?" Jungkook snapped. "I didn't even say anything."

"Oh, Yes, you've just sighed approximately five hundred times in the past ten minutes." Yoongi rolled his eyes again.

"I hope your eyes get stuck if you roll them again." Jungkook mumbled under his breath at the blatant exaggeration. 

"You know I can hear you clearly, right?" Yoongi sighed this time.

Jungkook fiddled with his now empty coffee cup. He'd for some reason decided caffeine was the solution to missing Taehyung, but so far it had just added an elevated heart rate to his sad-sack symptoms. 

"He'll be fine, human."

"You don't think Seokjin will hurt him?"

"Hurt him? nah!" Yoongi made a noncommittal noise. "Kill him, maybe?"

"maybe?" Jungkook gasped out in shock.

Would Taehyung forgive him if Jungkook stabbed his annoying friend with a spoon?

"Ah, don't worry about it too much, human." Yoongi grinned that maniacal grin, but his eyes weren't unkind. "I wouldn't have let him go if I thought he'd get himself killed, human. There are very few people I actually like in this world. He's one of them."

Jungkook forced himself to voice his fears out loud. "What if he decides to just keep moving? That's it not safe enough...or worth it...to come back."

Yoongi shook his head at Jungkook, exasperation in his voice. "He's not going to stay away from you forever. He can't."

"How do you know that though?"

"Because unlike Taehyung, I've always believed in mates and I know you both are real fated mates." Yoongi's grin dropped, and he looked at Jungkook seriously. "I've been around a long time, little human. And I wasn't always as isolated from the vampire world as I am now. I've seen mated pairs. I've talked to a few. And they all described a...pull to that other person. One that's stronger than anything they've felt, one that might not even make sense. I see that pull between you and Taehyung."

"And you've never felt that pull yourself?"

"You don't see me with a mate, do you?" Yoongi asked harshly.

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