for good and all, forever;

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Taehyung had lived for years he couldn't even remember—but one thing was for sure that nothing in this world was more beautiful than the sight of his Jungkook sprawled on the bed, flushing and panting for him.

He palmed himself idly as he looked over every bare inch of his mate, this sweet man who had kissed Taehyung's demon so gently, welcoming him—all of him—into his bed.

The boy had given in to the pleasure of the bite, kissed Taehyung's demon face with no hesitation, and then positively melted under Taehyung's ministrations to his cock.

He had sex with multiple people before, but there always had been a scent of fear in every encounter. And honestly, Taehyung loved each bit of it. The scent of fear made the experience more delicious. But with Jungkook, there was no scent of fear, just the scent of trust and submission. 

And, now Taehyung loved it more than the scent of fear.

Sweet, lovely mate.

His mate was staring at Taehyung with those big brown eyes full of dazed contentment and desire. It made Taehyung want to take him fully, to enter him and claim him completely. He knew Jungkook would let him fuck him senseless, would give Taehyung more of that sweet compliance and submission.

But now wasn't the time, what with Jungkook bordering on the edge of exhaustion from alcohol and the general trauma of the night.

Besides, Taehyung wanted to take his time, to give Jungkook only pleasure, and he wasn't sure he had the restraint to do so at the moment.

But he could do other things.

He leaned fully over Jungkook and began prowling slowly up the boy's body, dropping kisses and nipping at bare flesh along the way, feeling every inch the predator but for once not minding.

He gave Jungkook one last brutal kiss when he reached the boy's mouth, then reared up to kneel over his chest. 

"I'm going to feed you my cock now, pretty mate."

Jungkook whimpered but opened his lips wide, and moments later Taehyung hissed at the feel of his hot mouth on his cock.

Doe eyes gazing directly into his own, Jungkook moved his head up to take all of him, pushing on despite gagging slightly until his nose was practically pressed to Taehyung's hip. Taehyung's eyes rolled to the back of his head as he felt Jungkook's throat tighten around the head of his cock as he swallowed experimentally.

"Fuck. So good."

Jungkook backed off Taehyung's cock, releasing it with a soft pop and grinning up at him with watery eyes. "Looks like I'm not the only one with a filthy mouth."

Cheeky little mate.

Taehyung wound his hand into Jungkook's soft curls, taking pleasure in the small gasp it elicited from his mate's mouth. He made such lovely little sounds. Taehyung groaned as Jungkook relaxed and slackened his jaw, giving him tacit permission to fuck his mouth.

He'd never thought he would get to go to heaven, but here it was: his mate's sweet mouth around his cock, taking every punishing thrust with little moans of delight.

Taehyung wasn't going to last. He'd been rock-hard since the first taste of Jungkook's blood, him and his demon both bathed in desire, in pure want for this boy.

"Going to come, sweet boy."

He waited for Jungkook to pull against his grip, but the boy just nodded and sucked even harder, sending electricity through every inch of Taehyung's body as he came hard into his mate's mouth.

Jungkook eagerly swallowed every drop, eyes never leaving Taehyung's, until Taehyung eventually pulled him gently off his now too-sensitive cock.

Perfect, sweet, ours.

Taehyung slid his knee up and over Jungkook's torso, moving to lie on his side, facing his mate, making sure as much of their skin was touching as possible. He lifted his hand back into Jungkook's dark curls, working his fingers through them gently.

His demon was purring in wordless contentment.

He watched as Jungkook smiled softly and hummed a little in acknowledgment, seeming to enjoy the gentle petting just as much as he had enjoyed getting his mouth fucked.


Taehyung thought Jungkook was perhaps drifting off, but after several minutes, the boy's eyes opened, and he turned his head to Taehyung.

"Can I ask a favor?" he asked in a sleepy voice.

"Anything for you, pretty."

"Can you—please not do this with anyone else?"

Taehyung couldn't help the flash of anger that ran through him. Did his mate really think he would be fucking anyone else? That he would ever want to fuck anyone else? Had he messed up so badly by disappearing the other day?

"You don't have to ask, Jungkook. You have me at your mercy." he ground out. "I would hope you do the same as well."

touch anyone else and I'll fucking rip them apart, what Taehyung said sounded better and sane than this.

"I'm not talking about the sex part," Taehyung's fearless little mate actually rolled his eyes at him. "Could you not...bite anyone else? Could it be just from me? I don't think I want you doing that with any other humans."

His chest warmed at this unexpected display of possessiveness from his mate, and Taehyung's answer was easy. "I will bite only you, my mate."

"Is that okay for you?" 

"I was drinking from blood bags before this. I did not want to risk biting humans, too fearful of my demon going overboard. I do not fear that with you. You soothe him, even in the act of feeding. I will gladly bite only you. And should you need a break, blood bags will tide me over. I will not risk harming you with...overuse."

He didn't complicate things by bringing up what they would do when Jungkook turned. He still didn't know how to bring up the subject at all.

How do you ask a man so full of humanity to give that humanity up for you?

Jungkook had devoted his life to humans. He clearly wasn't ready to leave all that, and it could be very difficult for a new vampire to be around their old life.

Taehyung had tried, and it had...not gone well. He tried not to remember the screams of his family—"demon!"—atleast not now. Not when he was the happiest, not when he had his mate around his arms. 

Taehyung would wait till the time his mate was ready.

Jungkook turned to his side and curled up into Taehyung's chest, tucking his head under Taehyung's chin. "Thank you," he whispered.

"Anything. Always," Taehyung answered.

"Will you stay?"

"I will stay."

He waited until Jungkook's breaths had deepened, the boy sleeping soundly, to complete the rest of his answer.



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