make me yours;

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My mom remembered me today.

Jungkook still couldn't believe it. His initial reaction to it was blatant disbelief and anger directed towards Taehyung for messing up his mom's brain. But as the anger settled, he understood Taehyung was trying to do nothing but make him happy. 

And he succeeded because this day was so far the happiest day of his life. 

My mom remembered me today.

The rest of his time with his mom had been picture-perfect. His mom smiled the same carefree way she once did and the sight was something jungkook would savor till his grave. Though she didn't remember what year they were in, she had remembered him and that was more than enough for him.

Jungkook wished he could share his experience with Jimin but he didn't know how exactly he would put this whole incident in words without sounding like an insane person. Yes, his brother was a thoughtless jerk sometimes but he still deserved to know about their mother. The problem was how?

How would he tell him? and was he even allowed to share this with other people? Was there some sort of vampire code about humans knowing they existed? Jungkook should probably ask about that at some point. 

Anyway he didn't had anyone to share about this incident other than Jimin or maybe Chloe. And that made him realise how lonely he had been until Taehyung had swept in, and suddenly there was someone else there, someone to hold him while he cried, to kiss his tears away.

It was so easy for Jungkook to depend on a person. So easy to love another being who wasn't even a human. 

But what if Jungkook was just a fun diversion for Taehyung? 

A matter of fun. Taehyung had promised him that he would always be there for him. But did he really mean that? Would he still want Jungkook when he would be in his last stage of life, old and disposable? or would he want to turn him?

Would Jungkook even want that?

Eternal life. Eternal health.

It had been there, in the back of Jungkook's mind, since his mom had gotten her diagnosis. The thought that maybe it would happen to him. Some early onset Alzheimer's cases were genetic. Not always, but it was possible.

Jungkook was terrified of waking up one today to find himself losing his memories. Losing Taehyung. His whole life was forgettable with nothing worth to hold on minus the time he had met the vampire. 

But if he got turned, he will have to leave this town which meant leaving Jimin alone. But Jimin had abandoned Jungkook first. It shouldn't matter if Jungkook did the same to him. 

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