blue without you;

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Jungkook woke up hours later feeling refreshed after a good sound sleep for he couldn't even remember how long. When he remembered the incidents that led to such good sleep, he blushed. 

He then hurriedly looked around his room for any signs of Taehyung but the vampire was gone. Jungkook sulked. 

Was he downstairs?

The thought lifted his sulking mood immediately. He quickly grabbed his bottoms that were lying somewhere on the floor of his room and without caring to put his t-shirt on, he hurried downstairs, only to find his whole house empty. 

All his hope died and a sulk was brought back into his face. Strolling around, he entered the kitchen only to be surprised by a small note that had been sticked on his refrigerator. 

your pantry has to be the worst I have ever seen in my life. My dear human seems so busy in taking care of other people, that he initially forgot he also has himself to take care of. But don't worry now that i am here, i'll take care of it.

eat well and wait for me. I'll see you soon.


Warmth filled Jungkook's chest at that note. He opened the fridge and saw it was filled with vegetables, a new box of eggs, orange juice, milk—overall, a far cry from the empty cavern of condiments it had been just last night.  There were so many fruits and vegetables that his kitchen now finally looked like one. 

How long had it been since someone else had stepped in to take care of something for Jungkook? very long. But now it finally felt like someone was willing to and the thought of it made him felt at peace. 

He regretted not being able to hug Taehyung right now because what he had done for him was something no one has ever done for him other than his mom. 

Jungkook used the eggs and milk along with a new loaf of bread he found in the pantry to make himself French toast, slicing up strawberries and bananas to go on top. He knew how to cook the basics—he'd made meals for himself and his mom before she'd had to move out.

It wasn't like jungkook forgot or didn't have time for grocery shopping, no it wasn't that, he just avoids it. Avoids the reminder that he was still alone. So he'd been getting by with infrequent trips, stocking up on frozen meals and canned goods that wouldn't go bad.

The final product looked too good to not capture. Snapping a quick picture of his breakfast—or was it lunch at this time, he decided to share it with the person who made this possible only to realise he didn't have Taehyung's phone number.

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