beware of gifts;

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Jungkook loved his job but some days he wished he just wasn't there, and that someday was today. 

"You don't have to give her any sort of food because she keeps vomiting it out anyway. She also tends to get a little physical with the nurses, I think it's the lack of food that's taking her over, but yes I suggest you be careful, she threw her purse on my face but I dodged it. After that, we made sure that there were no such things around her reach." He sighed after dictating a quick report to the upcoming nurse. 

"What a lovely report." The sarcasm was heavy on her tone. "Thank you, Jungkook. I'll see what I can do with her."

"Lovely." Jungkook responded brightly. "Have a safe night."

Jungkook secured a transporter for his patient, then sat back in his chair with a heavy sigh. He really wished he was somewhere else right now. Or, someone else he'd rather be with.

His vampire mate who'd been treating him like a precious object all day. Jungkook had woken up with a warm, wet mouth around his cock. Already a gold star start to the day, in his book.

Taehyung had teased him to the point where he'd been begging to be fucked, but had then insisted—quite evilly—that Jungkook would be too sore after the night before. The downsides of a fragile human body, Jungkook supposed. Taehyung had swallowed him down instead, driving him to orgasm with hard, furious sucking that had left Jungkook reeling.

Then he'd made Jungkook breakfast.

Really, a guy could get used to it.

The breakfast went smoothly, this time uninterrupted by Jimin. Jungkook hadn't heard from his brother at all since their confrontation the morning before, and he wasn't sure he was ready to yet. He'd been suffering some guilt for the way they'd left things but not as much as he might've thought. After all, it was Jimin who had pushed their relationship to this point.

Yoongi had even joined them for breakfast again. For a slightly unhinged ancient vampire, Yoongi was a surprisingly pleasant roommate. He even did the dishes after breakfast. 

One thing Jungkook wasn't sure about was where did the ancient vampire went every night. Hunting for blood? Hookups? Seokjin? 

Anything, Jungkook thought would be for his best because that way Yoongi wouldn't be able yo hear the activities they do at night. It was bad enough he might have heard them this morning, but Jungkook hadn't exactly been quiet while getting the fucking of a lifetime.

A blush was welcomed into his cheeks at the thought of it. He still wished he was in Taehyung's arms instead of the hospital's lobby but he had some proving to do for the vampire, so that he knew his so fragile human body wasn't so fragile even after a rough night.

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