there is no heart for me like yours;

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Jungkook solely kept his eyes on the phone in his lap as he waited for Taehyung to pick him up from his workplace. He wasn't feeling brave enough to wait outside on his own, knowing Seokjin could be around. 

The man who looked like he could be Jungkook's twin didn't make it. His heart had stopped due to rapid blood loss and even after a full hour of CPR, he couldn't make it out alive. His mood at work after that had immediately worsened, just as it always did at the death of a patient.

But something other than the man's death got him thinking—

His phone dinged, interrupting his thoughts. Taehyung had arrived.

Jungkook hadn't told Taehyung the reason he was waiting inside—hadn't told him about Seokjin's visit yet. He'd been worried his vampire would barge into the hospital before Jungkook's shift was over and drag him away—possibly lock him in some panic room somewhere.

Still, Jungkook wasn't planning to keep it secret for long. He just wanted to be there in person to calm Taehyung down.

The vampire in question was outside, holding the door to the passenger seat open. Such a freaking gentleman.

Jungkook gave him a hello and a quick kiss on the cheek and got into the car. Taehyung didn't immediately start the engine after rounding the car and settling in the driver's seat. Instead, he leaned over and kissed Jungkook thoroughly, leaving him breathless. 

He then proceeded to press additional kisses along Jungkook's jaw and down his neck as he murmured, "I missed you."

Jungkook chuckled, tilting his head back to give Taehyung better access. "It's only been twelve hours."

"Twelve hours, exactly." Taehyung said, tugging the collar of Jungkook's scrubs down to lick and nip his way along Jungkook's collarbone. "Did you not miss me?"

Answering him with a no would be a blatant lie because in reality, Jungkook had missed him a lot but he was very scared to admit it to himself than even to Taehyung.

How ridiculous was it to miss a man he'd only just met after twelve measly hours, fated mates or not? How would Jungkook cope when Taehyung walking away and leaving him alone in his boring, lonely life?

Will you turn into a vampire for Taehyung? Seokjin's words echoed in Jungkook's mind for the nth time and he still wondered, would he?

But Taehyung never asked him to turn for him. Even while their conversation about Victoria and Seokjin, he never once mentioned about his desire to turn Jungkook. 

"What's wrong, Jungkook?" Taehyung asked tensed after he might have noticed Jungkook's own.

Jungkook couldn't even begin to tell his vampire the whole jumble of anxieties filling up his brain at the moment, so he went with the most straightforward. "I met Seokjin."

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