the captured vampire;

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Seokjin had definitely seen better days.

His face now was a bruised, bloody mess, and Jungkook couldn't begin to imagine how bad his initial injuries must have been for them not to have healed with his accelerated vampire healing yet.

Jungkook stepped closer, mindful of keeping a decent distance between them. It was a strange contrast, seeing someone looking like the captured snitch in a mafia movie right next to Jungkook's washer-dryer unit.

 "Oh, look. It's the new and improved Jungkook." Seokjin smirked up at him.

 His voice was hoarse and rusty, like maybe his vocal cords were recovering from being squeezed in a choke hold and Jungkook was having a hard time feeling bad about that.

"Why didn't you run?" he asked the restrained vampire.

He'd asked Taehyung to stay inside the house. Jungkook could feel how anxious and upset Taehyung was to be left out of the room, but he couldn't imagine holding this conversation with his overprotective mate growling in the corner.

 He continued, "I'm sure Taehyung was sufficiently distracted by me for you to have a safe and secure exit."

"You should have seen the poor guy's face." Seokjin laughed. 

"Then why didn't you?" Jungkook pressed and when Seokjin looked up this time, all his smugnines was gone.

"I told you: I wanted to know, huh?"

Jungkook knew what Seokjin was asking, and he had a choice to make. 

He could choose cruelty. He could punish Seokjin, never letting him know for certain whether fated mates really existed, whether there was any hope out there for him.

It was very, very tempting.

But Jungkook wasn't vicious enough for that. Maybe that made him a fool, but he could understand Seokjin's pain all too well. He could understand the loneliness and rage that had driven him to be the way he was. To do the things he had done. Jungkook didn't like any of it, but he could understand it.

"We've mated," he said. "I can feel a connection to him now, to his feelings, to his demon."

Seokjin took a deep breath and let it out slowly. "I'm glad to know. Even if I never—even if this is it. Thank you for telling me." He pointed with his chin at the stairs. "You can go tell your mate I'm ready for him to finish the job now, if you like."

"What?" Jungkook asked confused.

"You don't really think he's going to let me live after all I've done to you, do you?" A grim smile took over Seokjin's face. 

The Demon; taekookWhere stories live. Discover now