honey, sweet, mine;

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Taehyung sucked on his blood bag—cold, tasteless, trash—and tried to keep himself and his demon from spiraling.

What in God's name had just happened?

He hadn't planned on stopping at this beautiful, small mountain town. Initially, his plan was to keep driving south for hours longer, possibly days longer, before pausing even for blood. But he'd passed by that tiny little hospital and felt the sudden need to stop.

His demon—who rarely takes control, had taken control over him and pressed the brakes for him.

Taehyung usually stuck to larger and buiser hospitals so on his way to the blood bag for his feedings, buiser the other people were, lower were his chances of being caught by other people and fewer to have to compel to forgetfulness. But apparently all his rules went flying out of the window at the cinnamon smell as his demon took over.

A presence. A scent. Like warm milk with honey.

A young man somewhere in his early twenties. Practically an infant compared to Taehyung.

Big brown eyes, messy brown hair.


That was all taehyung could think off as his demon growled at the sight of the boy.

Even with the dark shadows under his eyes and his skin a shade or two paler than natural. The boy looked as beautiful as stars in pure dark and as loving as a firefly's spark.

The pull Taehyung had felt had been almost inevitable, as if too strong to avoid. One look at the enchanting boy and a sniff of his scent was enough for him to know that this boy unlike him was a human.

The mere realization was enough for him to turn back the way he had came from and leave the silly human being alone, but to his contrast his demon had different plans. 

He acted like a creepy scumbag but young and pretty Jungkook wasn't anything other.  He was just a boy. A simple human man. One with a smart mouth, a face to kill for and a smile to die for.

Not just boy, his demon snarled at him. Not just anything. Special. Perfect. Ours.


There was another word taehyung could use to describe this pelite human being, but it was a word Taehyung hadn't believed in for decades.

One he refused to believe in any longer.

His sudden obsession with the human might be just another symptom of his demon becoming more and more unhinged, as it had been trying to become. A feral.  With every drop of blood his demon became more fraught, constantly restless and demanding more, more and more.  

The Demon; taekookWhere stories live. Discover now