the tender-hearted boy;

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"Drink it up," Taehyung said, tilting the water glass up so Jungkook was forced to finish its contents.

"Come on, I'm not a baby." He protested but drank it anyway.

Okay, so maybe whiskey on an empty stomach after only two hours of sleep had been a dumb idea, but Jungkook needed something to settle his mind and something that would give him the courage after his encounter with Seokjin. 

Now he just needed something to steady his legs.

Blinking stupidly, Jungkook watched as Taehyung took the glass away.

Taehyung had already made him eat some toast, and Jungkook had sobered up accordingly, but the exhaustion was catching up to him physically. Now his vampire was turning the bed down for him --like some kind of manservant.

sexy manservant. sounds more suitable.

"Time for bed. Strip." Taehyung urged as Jungkook just smiled at him dopily. 

What a cutie, taking care of me. Jungkook mentally exclaimed, all his earlier irritation with overbearing vampires gone.

Taehyung stared at him for a minute. Jungkook was more than happy to gaze back at him in turn—he was so handsome. Taehyung broke it off when he sighed and moved forward to wrestle Jungkook's shirt off his head.

Right, he was supposed to be stripping.

As his shirt came off, the bruise Seokjin's hand had left on Jungkook's forearm came into view.

"Bastard," Taehyung growled, eyes darkening at the sight.

"I like the bruises you leave on me much better," Jungkook said absently, tilting his head down and tracing one Taehyung had left on his collarbone with his fingers.

"I do too," Taehyung said, his muscles tensing  and his eyes flashing with heat. He circled Jungkook to admire the marks he'd left the last time he'd claimed him. Because that was what sex with Taehyung always felt like to Jungkook—a claiming.

Jungkook shivered at the memory of their last time together. He'd always thought he was relatively vanilla when it came to sex, but something about being marked up and used by Taehyung ignited a fire in his belly. The bruises even felt like a form of care, in their own way. For Taehyung to be rough and wild but never seriously hurt Jungkook with his superior strength. It was passion and control at the same time.

Just like when he bit Jungkook, drank him in without taking too much, too fast.

So fucking hot.

"Will you still want me if you couldn't drink from me?" Jungkook hadn't known he was going to ask the question until he did. Jungkook was apparently loose-lipped in general today. And now that he'd brought up being turned by Taehyung, it seemed like his brain couldn't turn off thoughts about it.

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