savouring the happiness;

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Once Chaewon was freshly showered and clothed for the day, the attendant led them to the back of the facility and onto the grounds, which were large and grassy, with a walking path that wound around the edges.

While Chaewon was aware that Jungkook was her son, she wasn't aware about what time it was. She stuck to talking about people—which Taehyung figured—were Jungkook's friends from High school. She frequently asked him about his classes and studies to which Jungkook replied very happily. 

Taehyung was worried that Chaewon would question about him but luckily she mistook him as one of Jungkook's co-worker from teenage years when he worked at a cafe. 

Taehyung was walking a few steps to the side of Jungkook and his mother, who had their arms linked together, but he watched his mate closely, soaking in the joy in his face at having this woman be his mother again.

And Taehyung could see the love that had been there, before the dementia had clouded things. Chaeown clearly loved her son just as fiercely as he loved her.

As she should. Her son was perfect.

Perfect mate, his demon agreed. It was feeling very smug about its role in bringing Jungkook such happiness.

Looking at them, Taehyung tried to think if there was any such love in his family? He couldn't remember any specific memories of his human life, too foged and overshadowed by what he had become. But he was sure that there had to immense love for him to feel the immense pain at losing his family. 

The only thing he could remember was his mother and sister's smiling face and the conversion of their happiness into dread and anger when they had seen him again.

Seokjin had warned him to not go back to his family, but Taehyung wanted to atleast return once to say goodbye because he thought he owned this to those he loved. On his way back home, Taehyung could picture the happy faces of his family at his return from the battlefield, but the reality was far away from his imagination.

"Monster!" His mother had called him. Her eyes filled with such hatred and fear that one could doubt that those were the same eyes that once looked at him with such love and compassion. "You are not my son. You are a demon."

They had chased him out. And he had let them. In the end, he had wanted to go. Had not been able to bear to see his family so frightened of him. Of his demon.

Now looking at Chaewon, Taehyung couldn't help but wonder how Jungkook's mother despite her illness would have reacted to her son turning into a demon. The love and warmth in her eyes made Taehyung doubt she would throw him away like his own family did.

Or maybe Taehyung's family simply hadn't loved him enough to combat their own fear.

He pulled himself out of his bitter recollections and focused again on the pair next to him.

The Demon; taekookWhere stories live. Discover now