the sweetest oblivion;

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musky. smoky. savoury. 

That was the scent. The scent was very familiar with the scent surrounding Mr. Handsome. And Jungkook was smelling that in his bedroom. But he doesn't remember borrowing the cologne from him? But the scent was his. 

Jungkook was sure. He turned in his pillow and took another deep breath. The scent made him feel safe and cozy. Resisting his urge to moan at that, he stuffed his face deeper into the pillow and it was. . . heaven.

Wad he getting turned on with a sniff of scent? 

Yep. Definite yep. His morning wood twitched as he inhaled again. 

But. . .

"Not pillow," Jungkook mumbled, rubbing his face on the pillow except that wasn't a pillow but a chest. That was definitely a hard male chest his head was resting on—one that was starting to shake as its owner let out a soft laugh, all gloriously smooth and deep and rumbly.

Oh no. That was definitely not helping Jungkook's morning wood situation at all.

He lifted his head and found himself gazing into familiar bright-blue eyes. Had Jungkook thought they were cold and predatory before? Now they were warm and soft, with a heat building in them that had Jungkook's toes curling.

"Awake already, pretty?" That smooth, deep voice sent a shiver down Jungkook's spine.

He let out a grumble-snort. Hopefully Taehyung got the idea. Mornings were not Jungkook's thing. It was safe to say he hated mornings. 

Mornings. The word seemed to bring back all the memories from last night. As sleep slowly left his brain, he realised he was wrapped around taehyung like some horny animal and instantly a wave of embarrassment kicked him. 

He remembered sleeping at a very safe and far distance from Taehyung at night, but in the morning he was waking up wrapped around him like some—fuck.

Jungkook grunted. He must have thrown his covers off and decided to use this man—no—this vampire as his teddy bear. 

Which—double fuck—meant Jungkook's hard-on was currently pressed right into Taehyung's hip.

He let out an embarrassed groan and tried to untangle his limbs from Taehyung's body. "I'm so sorry, I—"

He was cut off by a low growl as Taehyung's arms tightened around him, keeping Jungkook firmly in place, without an inch of space between them.

"Um...," Jungkook mumbled into Taehyung's chest. He then took a moment to relish the feel of the vampire's embrace. He thought vampires would feel cold then why did this one felt so warm and cozy? 

The Demon; taekookWhere stories live. Discover now