the battle within;

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The car ride was silent today. The usually chatty Jungkook hadn't spoken a word since Taehyung had picked him off from work and neither did Taehyung with all the racing thoughts jumbling his mind. However, the simple contact of his mate soothed the restless rage.

Yoongi and Taehyung had successfully compelled the police officers, convincing them the duo were just innocent bystanders. Without Yoongi, he might have had a harder time doing so. He wasn't as skilled in compulsion as his older friend. 

The police had apparently received a tip about some suspicious men loitering around the hospital. With the recent attacks in town, they'd taken the tip seriously, showing up in full force.

Luckily, Seokjin hadn't killed the man. An ambulance had arrived shortly after the police cars to take the unconscious man away.

 Taehyung looked over to the boy beside him—brown hair mussed and brown eyes tired, but just as beautiful as ever. The injured man wasn't his focus right now. That man was nothing. His focus was solely on the boy beside him that meant everything.

Seokjin must have known this little impromptu scene wouldn't hold Taehyung and Yoongi back for much longer, he might have only did this to escape from it for now. His exit had only created a bigger confusion inside Taehyung about what was his former friend planning.

Taehyung reluctantly released his mate's hand, that he had been holding for the whole ride, to exit the vehicle as they reached their destination. Just that simple act of forgoing contact had his demon raging again.

Taehyung quickly grabbed his hand again as soon as he was out of the car and pulled him inside the house without a word. His demon was pulsing in him. Needing to touch. Needing to protect. Needing to claim.

Ours. Ours. Ours.

As they entered the house, Taehyung saw Yoongi in the kitchen but without paying any attention to his friend he dragged Jungkook upstairs.


"Not now!" Taehyung barked out. He continued forward, pulling his mate up the stairs, ignoring Yoongi's protests. Jungkook didn't argue, seeming for his part content to let Taehyung be as much of a beast as he needed to be.

In the bedroom, Taehyung pushed Jungkook down to sit at the edge of the bed. He found himself pacing in front of the boy, unable to stay still. 

"I met Seokjin, today." he managed to grit out.

"Okay." Jungkook's voice was calm, gentle.

"I do not know anything about his end goal."

"I'm not sure either."

The Demon; taekookWhere stories live. Discover now