down in the dumps;

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Taehyung was prowling around the alleys of the hospital in a dark coat knowing he looked like the suspicious creep, but what he looked like was the last thing on his mind right now. The only thing he was aiming for right now was to catch another suspicious creep like him.

If he had known that Seokjin would have tried to seek out for his mate despite the security cameras, he wouldn't have left Jungkook alone even at the hospital. Exactly what he was doing right now by lurking in the dark alleys in search of his old friend, now his biggest enemy.

Leaving Jungkook alone would only further tempt the psychopath to mess with someone Taehyung cared about. The only question was, how far? Just how far would seokjin go with Jungkook to hurt Taehyung?

He hadn't attacked the boy last night, but that didn't mean he wouldn't. Who knew how his mind worked anymore?

Taehyung could feel his demon itching to come out of his skin at the thought of Seokjin lurking around Jungkook with unclear intentions. It was restless, wanting to get back to their mate, to have him in their sights.

Even Taehyung hadn't liked dropping Jungkook off at work. He had wanted to wrap himself around the boy and refuse to let him go. Taehyung had even asked Jungkook to take the night off, but his stubborn mate had refused, insisting he wasn't going to let "one little threatening encounter" interfere with his duties.

Taehyung had let him go but further informed his little mate, that if he would go to work, Taehyung would wander around his hospital the whole time he worked. His mate had further warned him about how his lurking would get him caught by the security in an instant. So, Taehyung was having to make do with circling the area around the hospital, lurking in the shadows.

His mate's main concern was the hurt that would lead to the patients after a direct confrontation of him and Seokjin. 

"why bring the poor and affected in the crossfire?" Jungkook had countered. But that was Taehyung's lovely mate. Caring for others at the expense of himself seemed to be deeply ingrained in his nature. And so were the insecurities he had confessed to Taehyung the night before.

Taehyung should have realized the depth of his scars left by his past. Abandoned by his father to death, his mother to illness, his brother to denial. He needed more reassurances than Taehyung had been giving him, that was clear. Yes, Taehyung had mentioned forever to the boy, but to someone who never believed in one, Taehyung should have done more.

But now Taehyung was afraid. 

The word forever with him meant turning his mate into a vampire. The only thought of it horrified him. He was afraid the very idea would horrify Jungkook as well, a man who valued human life so much.

The Demon; taekookWhere stories live. Discover now