the mate is soothing;

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Taehyung should run. 

He almost killed a person. Not biting him, not feeding blood off him, just plain killing him. The thought itself was an indication that Taehyung should run miles away. But did he? Obviously not. 

His human side knew that running away was the only right option right now. Jungkook had seen his inner demon and it wouldn't take even a dumb person to find out that Taehyung wasn't human. His secret was out and maybe within a few seconds, Jungkook might start screaming for help. 

Taehyung should definitely run away. 

But that was what his human thought, his demon as usual had different plans and to his bad luck his demon was the only one who was in control now. 

Sweet. Honey sweet. Ours, ours, ours.

Jungkook was bleeding. The scent of his blood that rich, coppery smell mixed with the honey sweet intoxicating smell of his own, all of this was enough for his demon to lose control. It had barely registered the attacker scuttling away into the darkness, too focused on the boy himself, on having him in its sight.

The boy who was currently staring at Taehyung, eyes wide, looking a little fearful but mostly in shock.

"W-What did y-you do?" 

"Hurt him. If anyone hurts you, I'll hurt them" Taehyung said watching the boy intently. His words might do nothing but add more confusion inside Jungkook's brain, but it was what it was. If anybody hurt Jungkook, he would do the same. not same but worst. simple.  

Taehyung started reaching out for jungkook's shirt, mentally cursing for not being able to stop as he pulled the collar down to reveal the bleeding cut on his boy's shoulder. He growled. His demon and him both furious at the thought of someone being able to hurt their boy. 

Taehyung thought  that now his demon would complete the task they left behind before. Chase & kill. Or jungkook would scream at the proximity but to his surprise neither did happen. His demon wanted to heal the boy, while the said boy just stared at him with his wide doe-eyes. 

protect. lick. heal. 

Taehyung could maybe, just maybe, fight that urge. Step back and let Jungkook run from them. But he couldn't find it in himself to even want that. For the first time after a very long time both him and his demon wanted to do the same thing. Protect their boy. So he did.

He leaned in as fast as he could and before he knew he was licking the bleeding area letting his saliva heal the wound, and the sweetest taste he'd ever known was filling his mouth.

His one hand snaked around the boy's pelite waist and it fitted perfectly as if it was waiting for him and him only. Taehyung always found all these made for each other things bullshit but as the honey sweet taste filled his mouth and he basked in the boy's scent, he for once believed that there was someone made for him and that guy was no other than the boy in his arms. 

The Demon; taekookWhere stories live. Discover now