an inhuman creature;

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"Another patient coming in five minutes. Bay three. Male, twenty-two. Overdosed downtown. The patient has been given two doses of Narcan in the ambulance. Condition stable. Jungkook you'll handle him."

"Got it." Jungkook nodded, his hands working furiously to keep up with all the tabs. What was supposed to be his day off, he was now working his ass off at the hospital, again.

He was having his dinner—if you call a few slices of cold pizza—a dinner, when he got a text from work. They asked him if he could come and fill the place of an employee who had fallen sick. He had sighed and almost replied no, when he remembered his student loans and his mom's hospital bills. 

He typed away a quick yes, and stuffed the tasteless and bland slice of bread called pizza in his mouth for a little energy that could keep him alive over the night. He can't even remember the last time he had a proper dinner, or any meal of the day properly. He suddenly remembered Suzy's words about how he needed someone to take care of him, the idea was tempting but too surreal to exist. 

The chaos in the ER was in direct contrast to the night before. Just after midnight and they were already almost full, even if that wasn't saying much considering their small size. It was the normal variety of a not-so-big city: some dehydration from stomach bugs, a few broken bones, now apparently an overdose. He was supposed to have gone on break a half hour ago, but these things weren't guaranteed on busier nights.

If only he was at his house, he would be fast asleep taking the much needed rest but then again when did jungkook had that kind of luck or privilege. All employees at the hospital knew how he would never say no to take up any shifts but sometimes they went a little too far with exploiting him with this. His helpful nature being used as always.

He had just gotten his patient assessed and settled in, making sure his vitals were being measured every fifteen minutes in case the Narcan wore off before the drugs left his system, when Chloe stopped by his station.

She gave him a stern look as she said, "I'll cover all your patients. Go take a break or something. Geez Jungkook look at you."

Jungkook looked no good, he knew that already. But he still smiled at her, grateful to have a friend like her. "Tell me what did I do in my past life to have a friend like you."

"Stop with all this buttering and shit and go grab something to feed yourself before you drop dead on the floor" She rolled her eyes, but jungkook could see the hint of smile on her face. 

"I promise I'll be quick. Just need some fast calories and caffeine."

"You need to eat some real food, Jungkook." She shook her head. "Go take your time, I'll manage."

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