life in the fast lane;

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It was afternoon when Jungkook finally woke up, his exhaustion had finally caught up with him and he was a bit disgruntled not to find any sexy vampire lover cuddling with him in bed.

There was a full glass of water next to his bed, though, and a note taped to Jungkook's phone

I know you are upset to not find me beside you, but I have something important to sort out. Drink the water and there's something special waiting for you in the refrigerator. Eat up nicely. I'll be back as if I was never gone. 


Jungkook found it ridiculously adorable that instead of texting, Taehyung had gone through the trouble of taping a physical piece of paper to Jungkook's phone.

He brushed his teeth quickly and jogged downstairs, feeling refreshed after sleeping for practically an entire day. He found Yoongi at the kitchen counter, looking down at his own phone with a grim expression.

"Everything okay?" Jungkook asked.

Yoongi looked up and his familiar maniacal grin fell into place in less than an instant. "Everything's just fine, Little human."

"Taehyung's still not back?" Jungkook went straight to the fridge to find the 'special something' Taehyung had left for him and as promised, he found his breakfast. . . or it was lunch at this point of the day.

"Not yet. I am instructed to get you fed and watered nicely."

"Fed and watered?" Jungkook snorted at that.  "I'm not an animal."

"Nice try, but humans are mammals. Just high maintained." Yoongi hummed. "When you're done, I'll drop you off to the hospital so you can see your brother. I won't go in just drop you off."

"Thank you, that's very...thoughtful."

Jungkook didn't know what to make of Yoongi apparently following his brother around. He wasn't exactly angry anymore, now that he'd had time to process. He knew that no matter what Seokjin had said about Yoongi being part of his reason for the attack, the psychopath still wouldn't have targeted Jimin if he hadn't been Jungkook's brother.

Still, it was a little...unsettling. 

Yoongi had been helping him and Taehyung out, and Jungkook liked the other vampire, even if he was a bit strange. There was an undercurrent of wildness to him—as if he played by his own chaotic rules of right and wrong. And while Jungkook knew Jimin was handsome—his brother always had both men and women at his heels—Yoongi was a knockout in his own right, all ethereal male beauty. Jungkook wasn't sure why he would be so fixated on Jungkook's straight-laced brother.

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