the strange guy at work;

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"You goddamn, flipping piece of crap, son of a female dog!" Jungkook yelled, punching his fist in the air at the current bane of his existence. "You were created by god especially to come down and irritate me, weren't you, spawn of Satan? Don't you dare deny it." 

Well, the copy machine did not, in fact, try to deny it.

"That's what I thought," Jungkook mumbled, a smug expression taking over his features. Then he remembered he was talking out loud to an inanimate object in the middle of the night and all his smugness was gone.

He took a quick look around to make sure nobody was nearby and then sighed in relief when he found himself alone on the floor. He was generally pretty good when it came to controlling his admittedly no-filter mouth while at work, but he wasn't actually quite sure what had come out just now.

The office was abandoned. Chloe, the night-shift charge nurse and his only friend at work, had left her computer to go grab coffee and snacks, and he was pretty sure the other nurses were sneaking naps in some isolated parts of the hospital.

It was a dead night.

Jungkook supposed he should be glad about it, since it meant no one was injured or horrifically dying, but it also meant he had time to copy his and chloe's new schedule, whereas the copy machine- who he was so momentraily cursing just a few seconds ago wasn't ready to cooperate, so his feelings were a little conflicted.

The copy machine that was currently possessed, refusing to copy and also refusing to tell Jungkook why.

"Agh! I give up. You win again, demon."

"Jungkook, please stop talking to an inanimate object. It's concerning."

Jungkook flinched at the sound of Chloe's voice. She had appeared in the doorway, coffee occupying her both hands with a few bags of chips peeking out of her scrub jacket pocket.

Jungkook immediately blushed at being caught—he fucking hated that he blushed so easily—but still managed to defend himself. "That Demon started it."

"Be a good boy, step away from the copier, and drink your coffee. I appreciate you trying to help me out but not at the risk of your clearly fragile sanity."

He was tempted to stick his tongue out at her, but he was a professional, damn it. He took the coffee with a quick grin of thanks.

It's been almost two years since he started working at the Emergency sector of the hospital, but it was too unpredictable to get used to any sort of routine. Their hospital was in a small city, but the mountains surrounding Hyde Park, Colorado, attracted people, which meant that some nights it seemed everyone in this goddamn city needed to be checked and some nights like today it was just dead and silent.

The Demon; taekookWhere stories live. Discover now