those three little words;

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Taehyung fingered the sheets of the hotel bed and grimaced—the thread count was definitely not up to his usual standards. But it had been the best he could find in this tiny town, and he wasn't planning to stay long anyway.

Taehyung had been waiting in this hovel, only a few hours' drive from Hyde Park—not nearly far enough for Taehyung's taste—needing Yoongi's confirmation that Seokjin was actually following him before he could put any real miles between him and his mate. His mate who had looked so unbelievably lovely sleeping that Taehyung had barely found the strength within himself to leave the bed, let alone the city.

His mate who should have been in this bed with Taehyung now, whimpering while he rode Taehyung's cock. Not hours away and out of Taehyung's reach.

He had just received the text from Yoongi, and he was battling with his demon, trying to resist the urge to turn back the way they'd come. Taehyung's demon was never a fan of long-term planning over short-term gratification, especially now, when it came to their mate.

Taehyung's phone rang, and he answered it in an instant after confirming quickly that it was the call he'd been both dreading and longing for. 

Taehyung had partly hoped Yoongi would be able to stall Jungkook a little longer, cover for Taehyung's absence, but maybe Jungkook had been feeling the pull of this separation the same way Taehyung had. Like an ache in his chest he couldn't seem to rid himself of.


"You left?!" Jungkook's voice on the other end sounded just as angry and hurt as Taehyung had expected. 

Guilt surged through him as he replied, "I am sorry, Jungkook. But I think this was the best way, I wouldn't have been able to leave otherwise." 

Though his demon had already made it hell for him, growling with protests and throwing itself at the bars of its internal cage, trying to take over control. 

Wrong, wrong, wrong

And it only got more restless the further he strayed from Jungkook's side.

"You really thought leaving without any warning was the best way?"

"You know this is not me leaving you completely, right? this is just for now, you know that right?" 

"I don't know." Jungkook's voice had lowered from shouting to barely audible, but the hurt in it remained. But, Taehyung needed his mate to understand.

"You were right when you told me to deal with Seokjin. But, I needed to do it far away from you so you wouldn't get hurt in the process. And I will never forget myself if I ever let you get hurt."

The Demon; taekookWhere stories live. Discover now