at the crossroads;

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Taehyung didn't sleep. He was content in holding his mate and listen to his rhythmic breathing, that calmed him down better than a sleep could. 

However, the silence was short-lived as he heard a ruffle downstairs. Assuming it was Yoongi, as he had texted his friend Jungkook's address earlier, he gently untangled himself from Jungkook's sleep-laden limbs—his mate really was something of an octopus at night—and padded down the stairs to the living room, where he could hear Yoongi moving around.

He wanted Yoongi to live in Jungkook's house until the seokjin situation wasn't sorted. A double layer protection shield for his mate. If by any unfortunate chance, he wasn't there to save his mate, he was sure the elder vampire would protect his mate from any harm in his absence.

He found Yoongi standing in front of one of Jungkook's bookshelves, perusing the titles. He looked up at Taehyung's entrance.

"You've fed?" Taehyung asked.

Yoongi nodded, "The man I found was utterly delicious, well"—he gave Taehyung a sly look—"not as delicious as your adorable boy's big brother."

Taehyung raised an eyebrow at his friend. "Please do not make my life more complicated by pursuing my mate's brother. There are plenty of other men in this town for you to harass."

"Not even a little taste?" 

Taehyung passed a glare making the other vampire roll his eyes in annoyance. 

"Come on, Taehyung! Just a single time. He won't even remember any of it. I promise." 


"Jungkook doesn't has to know."

Taehyung shook his head. "No. Please."

Yoongi opened his mouth, seeming to be on the verge of arguing, before he closed it again and gave a little shrug. 

Yoongi had always found his human partners interchangeable. He was never fixated on any one of them for over a night, discarding them the moment they left his bed. The situation was irony, because it was Yoongi who had introduced the concept of mates to them.  

His little friend, for all his own flightiness, had always seemed surprisingly fascinated with the concept of eternal love.

Taehyung was fairly sure that Yoongi had had at least one serious relationship in his past, a vampire ex he never spoke about, but it had seemingly put him off commitment completely. But, Taehyung was sure somewhere deep inside him, he was still as fascinated as the concept of commitment as he had once been.

He just needed the right person for that.

Either way, they had bigger things to concern themselves with at the moment.

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