the sunshine of your tender love;

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"Sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together.

Marilyn Monroe


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Jungkook hurried down the hall of the care home, careful to keep his speed human appropriate. He was running behind, but he'd promised to stay until the end of the western he and his mom had been watching, and he never broke his promises to her.

Suzy was waiting for him at the front desk, smiling warmly. "Seems like she had a pretty good day again."

Jungkook grinned at her. "She did. It was lovely."

It had been. Jungkook hadn't been able to compel her into remembering exactly who he was—those days were getting fewer and farther between, as her illness inevitably progressed—but he'd been able to keep her calm and happy. They'd watched TV together and discussed the different birds they could see through her window.

He would be forever grateful for this extra time with her. Even Jimin had started visiting regularly, although the days she didn't know him still seemed to take a lot out of Jungkook's brother. He was trying though, and that was more than he'd been doing before.

"When is your husband coming next? The ladies have been asking about him." Suzy winked, and Jungkook found himself blushing.

"He'll be here with me tomorrow."

His husband.

Jungkook grinned down at the simple gold band glinting on his left hand. He and Taehyung had been married at City Hall a few months after Jungkook had turned. Weirdly enough, it had been Taehyung's idea. 

"Your human friends do not understand the concept of mates," he'd said in all seriousness. "We have to show them in some other way that you are mine. Permanently mine," he'd emphasized.

his possessive vampire.

They tried to visit Jungkook's mother together regularly, but sometimes they switched off their visits so someone would be there to soothe her on any given day. Jungkook was only working part-time now, as Taehyung had paid off his mother's place at the home for the next five years. Jungkook still wasn't sure how much money his vampire was hoarding, but it didn't seem like they'd get to the bottom of it anytime soon.

In his extra time, Jungkook had been discovering hobbies—he still hated cooking, but it turned out he was pretty good at baking, and he was learning French—and spending time with friends. He had friends now, besides just Chloe. Other coworkers and a few new faces he'd met at a book club he was now a part of.

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