taught to kiss in heaven;

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Taehyung gave a light slap to the pert, denim-clad ass hanging over his shoulder, pleased when Jungkook gave a little yelp in response.

Taehyung still had his doubts about letting Seokjin go free, but Jungkook's ploy had worked all too well. Taehyung could think of nothing now but claiming his mate. Add that to the fact that he had never relished the idea of killing his old friend, and Taehyung was a lost cause.

It had all been too much: the mind-numbing grief of thinking he'd lost Jungkook, the shock of the mating bond snapping into place, the frustration in being made to stand back while his mate faced Seokjin one last time.

Taehyung needed tactile assurance that Jungkook was okay, that Jungkook was his.

Ours, his demon growled.

Ours, Taehyung agreed.

He managed to gather his thoughts enough to call out to Yoongi in the kitchen on the way up the stairs, "Drop Seokjin out of town somewhere."

He ignored Yoongi's squawking protest in response. He knew Yoongi would do as he asked. The old vampire was feeling guilty enough having left Jungkook out of his sights, allowing Seokjin to get to him.

Taehyung didn't actually blame his friend for that—they had both thought Seokjin was out of town and Jungkook safe—but he would use that guilt in his favor for this last Seokjin-related task.

Entering Jungkook's bedroom, Taehyung tossed his mate onto the bed before slamming the door shut. Jungkook bounced once on the mattress, but in the blink of an eye, he was upright again, kneeling at the edge of the bed, black eyes on Taehyung.

Taehyung was momentarily stunned to see his mate move so fast, but he recovered quickly. 

"Take off your clothes," Taehyung growled, unbuttoning his own shirt.

"No." Jungkook grinned at him cheekily, and Taehyung raised one eyebrow, his fingers stilling on his last button.

"I thought you wanted me inside you?"

"I do," Jungkook agreed, tilting his head to the side. "But I want to do this my own way."

He launched himself at Taehyung, twisting them in the last moment so the momentum landed Taehyung on his back on the bed, with Jungkook straddled over his hips.

Taehyung was a little impressed.

He smirked up at his sweet mate, whose eyes had returned to their usual deep brown, pupils dilated. Apparently Jungkook was finally losing a little of that unnatural control he had over his demon, if he was shifting back and forth like this.

The Demon; taekookWhere stories live. Discover now