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Why were humans so complicated?

Taehyung never understood the thinking of mankind even while living for two centuries. He always thought that some things aren't as complicated and complex as humans tend to make them. Like for instance, the building they were entering.

The infrastructure shouldn't look that unpleasant but unfortunately, it did. Beige-gray walls on the inside and beige walls on the outside, dirty colored carpeting throughout the premises. Sure, it wasn't the best but not the worst Taehyung had ever seen. Some pros would be the alert and friendly staff with the very clean and structural surroundings.

Taehyung placed his sunglasses on top of his head—they kept the demon from getting too irritated on sunny days—and looked over at the boy walking next to him, who'd been tense and nervous the entire car ride there. Taehyung reached out and took his hand, and Jungkook looked up and gave him a small, appreciative smile.

They were to visit Jungkook's mother. Jungkook had told him after breakfast about his mother. She had a type of dementia called early-onset Alzheimer's. 

Taehyung didn't like the fact that Jungkook had been taking care of so much for a very long time but he was also proud of his mate to finally stand up against his brother who neglected his own duties. He with his demon made a silent promise to themselves that they would never let their mate go through anything bad in his life again.

"Hello, Jungkook!" A short, stout woman with a cap of brown hair greeted them on the main desk. She smiled at Jungkook when her notice went towards Taehyung and then to their joined hands. With an inaudible gasp, she further inquired, "And who might he be?"

"This is Taehyung," Jungkook answered shyly. "He's, uh—"

"Jungkook's boyfriend," Taehyung cut in. Figuring he couldn't just straightaway put the title mate in front of other humans, boyfriend felt juvenile. He just needed something to announce it to everyone that this man belonged to him and the word boyfriend would do the justice.

A smile was brought back on her face at that, "You never told me you were seeing someone?"

"It's pretty new," Jungkook explained. Taehyung didn't have to look over to know that his mate was blushing but glanced over anyway, just to enjoy the way the pink stole over Jungkook's freckled cheeks.

Jungkook cleared his throat. "Taehyung, this is Suzy. The backbone of this place."

"Oh, hush." Suzy was the one blushing now. She turned a mock-stern look to Taehyung. "Let me warn you, Taehyung. There are many people willing to take a chance with your boyfriend, I suggest you better hold on tight."

"Trust me, I'm one of those people willing to take a chance with him." Taehyung said giving his boyish smile.

"I like you." Suzy chrimed.

The Demon; taekookWhere stories live. Discover now