smells like trouble;

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Taehyung was obsessed.

He thought leaving Jungkook alone for one night—even though his demon still highly disagreed with his decision, not wanting to leave their mate alone for even a single second—however Taehyung thought he needed to give the boy some space to process everything, so he left—thinking that would be the hardest thing. 

But, only it wasn't. Leaving was still a sane choice than living without the presence of his mate, now that he knew his existed. One taste of Jungkook and its obsession had only grown.

It was torture, but he knew it was the right thing to do for Jungkook.

Taehyung's demon raged at that distance. In the end they both came in with a mutual decision of stalking their mate.

He'd watched Jungkook's house the night before. He had seen a female nurse with bags full of what looked like junk food—Taehyung grimaced, mentally taking a note that his mate needed healthy alternatives of those oily packed foods—the female nurse had stayed inside for a very long time, while Taehyung tried not to be jealous. 

The keyword here—tried. 

He was one step away from stroming inside the house and checking out what the duo were doing inside for so long, before the female nurse had strolled outside off Jungkook's house luckily. She gave jungkook a quick hug with a huge smile on her face as both Taehyung and his demon raged at the proximity of another human being with their mate.

Taehyung didn't know he possessed such possessive feelings inside him, especially for a human but Jungkook was not just another person—he was their mate. And he tend to bring out a lot of unfelt feelings inside Taehyung. 

The nurse went away and Taehyung was thankful of that because he wasn't sure if he would have been able to bare another sight of his mate with anybody else other than him, while he was here—dying to even get close to him. 

After that, Taehyung tried to calm both him and his demon—it was a good thing Jungkook had friends, had support. They were not going to be jealous brutes who resented their mate having close ties beyond themselves.

Yes, jungkook can have friends. afterall he would still be their mate.

He was sure of it now. Touching the boy, hearing his moans, tasting his release—Taehyung had never experienced anything like it in his two centuries of living. His cock hardened at just remembering the look on Jungkook's face when the boy came, cheeks flushed with pleasure.

And then there was the moment right before Jungkook had fallen back asleep, when he had seen the demon in Taehyung's eyes and not only tolerated it but reached for it. Greeted it with warm, sated eyes and a sweet smile.

The Demon; taekookWhere stories live. Discover now