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Natalia POV

"We are moving back to our old town, why?" I asked shocked but confused as to why all the places we were moving to, why back to our old town?

So many bad memories.

"Honey, I know you don't have the best experiences there but I was offered my old job back and I can't pass up this opportunity with our lease almost being up in my project here being finished, it's perfect timing." My mother explained to me with a saddened expression.

I sighed as I sunk in my chair, I mean I can't hold my mom back from her job at my own expense that would be selfish of me, I nodded giving my mom a small smile.

"Ok, I guess we are going back." I said as my mom returned to my smile as her eyes sparkled.

"Let's get moving then." She said, excited as I nodded and finished up my breakfast.


I looked out the window as I saw the old trees of the old surroundings that I used to cherish.

"So does this mean I'm going back there?" I asked finally popping the long awaited question that I most likely knew the answer to.

"Sadly yes, I mean.. I tried to find a closer school but that's cool is the nearest one to us I'm sorry honey." My mother said as she looked at me briefly before returning her eyes to the road.

I sighed again as my heart slowly dropped, but I quickly took a breath in and let myself calm down silently as I let the reality of my situation sink in, so many bad memories at that place all because of her, but I digress.

"But think about the bright side, you will get to see Anna after all these years, I mean you guys were practically hip and hip when you were together." My mom said with a chuckle making me do the same.

We reminisced about the old times until silence came across us both as we saw the old town name on the side of the road, as we drove closer to it.

Welcome to River Springs

"Well more like welcome back." I mumbled with a chuckle which made my mom chuckle too as we drove past the sign and into the old town we used to live in.

I watched the road for a bit before I sighed and got comfortable in my seat before I started to fall asleep but I kept myself up as I watched as my mom continued to drive.

"You should get some sleep honey, you've been up the entire drive." My mom said in a soothing tone as my eyes started to become heavy.

"Goodnight dear." My mom whispered as I finally went to sleep.

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