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Natalia POV

I looked between the two of them before Chloe came up behind Anna with this look aimed towards Brooke which she caught onto which they both shared a look before Brooke gave her a smile before looking back at me.

I saw Chloe lean down to Anna's ear and whisper something before Anna whispered something back before Anna looked at me and grabbed my arm pulling me away.

"Do you wanna be partners with me?" Anna asked as I chuckled.

"Didn't Chloe just ask you to be her partner?" I asked as she rolled her eyes.

"Yeah but..I don't-"

"You don't trust her." I finished her as she sighed and nodded her head making me chuckle.

"I'll be fine, plus you can't let Chloe be alone." I said as Anna rolled her eyes.

"She'll be fine-"

"No Anna, you need to mend your relationship with her, plus everybody else is scared of her." I said as Anna sighed.

"Are you really ok with that?" She asked as I nodded.

"My problem isn't with her it's with Andrea, you can't hold back your feelings for long Anna, I see the way you look at her." I said which made Anna a bit flustered before she sighed.

"Ok, but be safe ok, and call me if she does anything I mean it." She said as I nodded with a chuckle.

"Alright if it soothes your nerves I'll do it." I said as she smiled.

"Good." She said as we both went back to the two who looked as if they had a silent eye conversation.

" I'll be your partner." I said as I smiled which she returned as Chloe looked at Anna with a look who just gave her a nod which made Chloe sigh.

"That's great, I'll tell the teachers." She said as she gave me a hug which made me freeze.

I don't like this.

I froze until she finally let go as she walked over to the teachers and began talking to them as Anna and Chloe both looked at me.

"You ok?" Anna asked as I nodded a bit hesitant.

"I will be." I replied as Anna looked at me for a bit longer before she sighed and Chloe stayed looking at me for a bit with an unreadable expression but soon turned her attention to Anna making me chuckle.

I swear she's still hooked.

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