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Chloe POV

I walked out into the parking lot to see Andrea watching Anna's car drive away with Natalia in the passenger seat as they drove away. I looked back over to Andrea who looked deep in thought.

"She's afraid of me Chloe, I saw it in her eyes." She said as I stared at her for a moment before sighing.

"Well that's to be expected after what happened." I said which made Andrea look over at me as if to see if I'd repeat my words which made me chuckle.

"What did you think I'd lie to you? After what you did I'm surprised she can even look at you." I said as Andrea's eyes darkened at my words before looking away from me.

I knew it.

She doesn't want Natalia to hate her.

"You want her to forgive you." I said which made Andrea tense up as I watched her before she looked at the ground.

"I don't need forgiveness." She said her voice unclear as to how she felt about her own words as if she was unsure of herself.

"Yeah sure." I said with a scoff.

"You know one of these days your going to have to admit that you re-"

I spoke but stopped as her head snapped up towards me making me stop as I knew what that look meant, and I knew that she wanted me to drop it.

"Ok, ok but don't expect it to come, you have to earn it." I said plainly as she stayed quiet and just turned her face away from me which made me sigh.

"You need to start being honest with yourself Andrea or you're going to get nowhere." I said as she just stayed quiet once again, not answering me as I sighed again before I walked to my own car.

"Also don't make time repeat itself." I said as Andrea finally looked up at me.

"You spoke to Anna?" She asked as I nodded.

"Of course I did, I wasn't going to let her- get into Brooke's grasp, but thank god Anna has taste and standards." I said with a chuckle as Andrea chuckled.

"Well lets hope what Natalia steers clear or else Anna will get Brooke's ass then nothing on this earth can save her." I said with a laugh as Andrea just rolled her eyes before I waved a goodbye at Andrea.

"Goodbye Andrea, see you tomorrow." I said as I walked to my car and got in before I drove away from the school.

All I knew was that if Brooke goes anywhere near my Anna, shit will go down, without hesitation.

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