Best Friend Status

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Natalia POV

It's now the class where I have Brooke in and I'm feeling pretty stoked I mean I don't know today just has taken a weird but good turn of events, at least on my end.

I waited until I saw Brooke enter the class, a small feeling of relief came over me as I thought she was skipping or something, being as the teacher said a lot of people were about to be tardy.

She walked over to our shared walk away and over to her desk as she set her things down and gave me a smile as soon as she turned to look in my direction, which I returned.

"Hey, sorry I took so long to get here, got held up with friends." Brooke said with a sigh with made me chuckle.

"It's ok your forgiven." I said as she chuckled.

"Good." She replied.

"Now since shall we get to getting to know each other better?" She asked as I nodded making her gain a smile.

"Good, now first question how many friends do you have other than me of course." She asked making me chuckle.

"Well I only have one and she's my best friend, Anna." I replied as Brooke nodded.

"Ok well I hope I can gain 'best friend' status soon." She said playfully as I shook my head.

Anna would kill me if she found out I had another best friend or was even trying to get another one as in her 'wise' words..

"You should only have one best best friend in the world and that's me so the others can get lost."

So yeah.. I would never hear the end of it to say the least, so for now I think I'll let her think she has a chance.

After that she continued to ask some chessy questions and some generic nothing to harmful.

"Ok and last question, why did you move away from this awesome school?" She asked causing me to freeze I starred blankly at her which made her start to back track.

"You don't have to tell me- if it was anything bad I was just curious." She said but I sighed and shook my head.

"No it's fine, I will answer." I said which caused her to look relieved as I peaced together a simple answer.

"Lets just say that people did somethings that um really impacted me, which led to me needing some time away from this place." I said as making her nod.

It was time to go by the time we were done causing us both to say quick goodbyes before leaving class for the day.

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