Quick Talk

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Anna POV

After what happened this morning I knew something had changed. That look that Chloe had given me told me and the way that she's acting around me everytime I'm around Brooke tells me all I need to know.

Morning classes passed by quickly so now I'm walking the hall looking for Chloe, I found her quickly as she was standing outside of my next class.

"Chloe with me now." I said her head perked up as she heard my voice, she smiled as soon as she saw me and followed me almost immediately.

I walked her into a secluded area the same as last time as I turned around to face her as she stood there waiting for me to do what I needed to do.

"What happened?" I asked as she looked at me rather confused.

"What do you mean 'what happened'?" She asked confused as I sighed and gave her a look.

"You know what I mean, what happened this morning in the classroom with Brooke?" I asked again as she sighed and shook her head.

"I don't want to worry you Ann-" She said as I raised an eyebrow making her freeze and sigh again.

"Brooke uh- knows what happened between our groups somehow- and she said some stuff about both sides." She said obviously trying to beat around the bush.

"You're not telling me something, what is it?" I asked as she stopped and looked down at the floor before mumbling something before sighing.

"She said she was going to 'take care' of Natalia and uh- was going to say some stuff about you but I stopped her so don't worry." She said quickly as I looked at her confused.

"What did she mean by that? And why did you stop her, was it something bad?" I questioned as she shrugged.

"Well she is known for being a 'playgirl' so I don't know, maybe she's expecting more than what's going to happen." She explained as I rolled my eyes.

"Of course she is, but what was she going to say about me?" I asked.

"I don't know as I said I stopped her before she could say anything." She said again as I laughed a bit.

"Well thank you for that, and thank you for telling me even though it took some... pushing." I said as Chloe sighed and chuckled.

"Sorry for that." She said.

"It's ok, now I guess I need to convince that stubborn mule not to do this." I said with a sigh as I knew this was not going to be easy.

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