Lunch Encounter

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Natalia POV

Turns out this resort has a buffay, and that we are currently in the buffay, which is cool at least to me.

Me and Andrea were the first ones to come back to the table. We both sat down and I will admit it was a bit awkward at first until Andrea spoke.

"Would you like me to move tables?" She asked quietly as I looked up at her for a moment before replying.

"Nope, why would I want that?" I asked as she kind of looked at me for a moment, her eyes holding confusion.

"Well I thought you would want to be comfortable and you seem to be uneasy so I thought that was because of me." She explained as I was kind of surprised she caught onto that.

"No, uh it's just people are being weird a bit that's all, it's not you." I explained as she nodded as a silence fell apon us until Chloe and Anna got back to the table.

"Geez that line has a lot of options." Anna said as she sat down, her plate full of a variety of foods.

"Are you sure you're going to eat all of that Anna?" I asked as I was a bit worried because there was some foods on her plate that I didn't recognize.

Not to mention Anna happens to be allergic to a lot of things so I was a bit worried about how much was on her plate.

"I'll be fine Natalia, these foods look amazing." She said with a big smile as she just started digging in, making me chuckle.

I began to eat my own food and had some light-hearted conversation until I saw a plate of food getting slid next to me, a pit in my stomach automatically forming as I looked up to see Brooke.

I don't know why but my body feels uneasy around her and it's not fun.

"I'd thought you'd like this." She said as she slid the plate of pumpkin pie, it wasn't a big slice but anyone who knows me knows I don't like pumpkin pie.

"Sorry I-"

"She doesn't like pumpkin pie." Anna, Chloe, and even Andrea said all at once before I could see her eyes fill with annoyance as she smiled at me and took the plate away without saying a word.

They all watched her leave before continuing to have a simple conversation as if nothing happened but I continued to watch as she angrily threw the pie away and sat down.

She was angry? Why?

Better yet, why is everyone acting so weird?

I sighed slightly annoyed at everyones action before I looked back at the table and just ate my food.

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