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Natalia POV

Let me tell you something, if you want to keep your life never and I mean NEVER get in a car with Anna Carter because that will be your last mistake in life.

"Ok don't be so dramatic I wasn't that bad." Anna said as she got out of the car as I was still holding onto the seatbelt for dear life but slowly unbuckled in and got out of the car.

"You almost killed us." I said as we walked into my house.

"No I didn't." She said with an sarcastic tone but as soon as she saw my mom her mood changed from the devil herself and sweet Anna.

"Miss Lee!" She said happily as she pulled my mom into a hug which she gladly accepted with a smile.

"Natalia said I almost killed us while I was driving." She said in a fake sad tone which made my moms head snap up at me with a look.

"Natalia apologize." My mom said as I looked at her with a shocked look.

Mom you traitor!

"I'm very sorry Anna." I said in a plain tone which my mom was happy with as she pulled out of there hug and then hugged me tightly before letting go.

"Alright you two have fun, I'm going to work again." She said with a groan making us chuckle as we went to my room, which Anna made herself home in.

"So tell me about your day." Anna said as I sat down next to her making me chuckle.

I began telling her about my day until I came to the period I have Andrea in, I mean do I tell her what happened? I thought about it for a moment before I spoke.

"And in 5th period I have Andrea and uh- I sit next to her, and she spoke to me." I said quickly which made Anna perk up with shock and confusion.

"She spoke to you? What did she say? Did she say anything mean, its ok you can tell me." She questioned as I shock my head.

"No.. uh- she actually welcomed me back.." I said as she looked even more shocked and confused.

"Why though? Andrea is never nice, especially not to you." She asked as I sat there just as confused as she was because to be honest I don't know why she did that.

"Well no matter, just..tell me if she does anything else ok." Anna said with a small smile as making me nod.

"I will." I replied back as she nodded and we contuied talking about our day but it lingered on my mind, but I let it go as the day passed and I spent more time with Anna for the rest of the day.

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