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Chloe POV

We kept starring until they looked away causing us to do the same me and Andrea stayed silent as the crowd of people left the cafeteria and went to class which made me and her do the same.

We stayed silent both of us probably in our own train of thought as we walked to our first period class until I broke the silence.

" Natalia's back." I said as I looked over at Andrea who still looked in thought by she still spared me a glance before she nodded.

"Do you know why?" I asked which finally made her stop and look at me.

"No I don't know why nor do I want to know." She said sternly as she walked away leaving me alone and confused.

"Damn whats up her ass?" I mumbled to myself as I watched her walk away at a fast pace which made me even more confused.

Did I say something wrong?

I stood there still confused but shook it off as I saw Anna going to class witha smile on her face, I'm guessing she was with Natalia or maybe walking her to class?

Probably so.

I was about to walk in her direction when she saw me and stopped in her tracks and looked at me we stared at each other I don't think there were any hard or angered feelings but just a blank stare of recognition.

We stared at each other for a bit longer before I finally gained a little bit of confidence as I slowly waved at her a bit nothing to overboard just a simple wave she looked at me and then my hand before finally breaking eye contact and leaving not replying to my simple gesture.

I sighed and smiled lightly as I was glad she was happy again, even though she's not happy at me I'm still relieved and happy because if she's happy I'm happy.

But then as I watched her walk away the tinge of that old feeling coming back to me as it trailed throughout my body as I remebered the day that it all went down hill, the day Anna finally snapped.

I remember like it was yesterday.

I sighed as I started my walk to my class with the lingering feelings of the past weighing on my shoulders as I walked to class.

But I won't say that one thing doesn't linger more on my mind than anything else and that thing is Andrea.. I don't want her to return to her old days but with Natalia being back in town I'm not sure how she will deal with it.

All I hope is that she doesn't do a repeat of what happened last time, or else time will repeat itself, and this time around I'll do anything in my power to stop it.

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