Two Faced

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Chloe POV

I looked at Anna as I saw she was in thought, I tapped her on the side which made her look at me with unsure eyes.

She was worried.

"Do you want me to inform the teachers that we are partners or do you wanna do it?" I asked as she took a quick glance at Natalia before looking back at me.

"Can you do it? I want to stay with her." She asked as I smiled and nodded.

"Of course I can." I replied as I walked up to the teachers desk and signed me and Anna up to be partners for the trip as I felt someone staring at me, someone I didn't want to be.

"Are you and Anna a thing or something?" She asked as I looked up to see Brooke looking at me and then at Brooke with a grin.

"Because if so you got lucky I mean look at h-" She spoke but I quickly got in her line of vision blocking her from seeing either of them.

"You watch your mouth Brooke, when you speak about her." I said glaring daggers at her which made her grin widen even more.

"So it is true, you were a thing?" She asked with a raised brow.

She knew.

"Does that mean the other thing I heard is true? Because if so, you were a really bad girlfriend." She said with a grin, a grin that I wanted to wipe off her face but I couldn't as the teachers came back.

"Well see you later Chloe, I hope you have a lovely trip." She said as she walked away but stopped and turned to me before speaking again.

"Oh and don't worry I'll take good care of Natalia for you..or should I say for Andrea?" She asked with a chuckle as my eyes widened as she turned and walked away before I could even reply.

She knows, she knows all of it.


I looked at Anna who was now looking at me. We shared a look before she turned her attention back to Natalia and Brooke who were now with the two.

I finished signing us up and quickly went back to the group and got behind Anna Brooke, staring at me a quick glance flashing me a grin before turning back to her conversation with Natalia.

As I stood there I only had one thought in my mind.

I need to tell Andrea, and fast.

Because this will not end well.

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